A new Alzheimer’s blood test clears the way to a cure

Today’s topic is very exciting to me—so I imagine it will be to you, too. Because who wouldn’t be delighted to hear about a breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease (AD)?

And according to some experts, that’s exactly what this new blood test—which detects early AD-related brain changes—represents. Let me explain…

New hope for faster progress 

The new blood test (plasma Aβ42/Aβ40) measures the ratio of beta amyloid 42 and beta amyloid 40—two forms of the notorious peptide with strong links to dementia. And it carries a 94 percent accuracy in detecting amyloid toxicity in the brain, compared to standard PET scans and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers.

Here’s why that matters: Before now, brain scans have been our only real screening tool for AD pathology—but they’re costly and time-consuming. Which doesn’t just limit patient access to accurate screening…it also slows down the pace of research significantly.

In fact, it often takes years to enroll eligible candidates in clinical trials using these screening methods.

But the plasma Aβ42/Aβ40 screen would lower the number of imaging tests scientists would require to confirm amyloidosis (amyloid buildup) in their volunteers. This is especially true in prevention studies with the aim of slowing or stopping disease progression in cognitively healthy subjects.

In fact, researchers actually estimate that pre-screening with this new test would cut the number of PET scans required in trials like this by more than half—62 percent, to be exact. Which means that, using this new plasma Aβ42/Aβ40 test, researchers could now field thousands of potential candidates every month.

You can slam the brakes on dementia

This new screening tool offers yet another crucial advantage: Among a small group of subjects who tested negative for amyloid buildup according to PET imaging, the new blood test was able to predict amyloidosis on future PET scans down the line.

So folks, it looks like we may be closer to at least being able to screen you for AD with amazing accuracy using only a blood test! But the real problem is that we don’t have much to offer after that.

The hope is that this new test is a major leap in the right direction. Because now that we can bypass more elaborate and expensive tests, who knows how many more clinical trials we’ll be able to complete!

The promise is one of faster progress toward a cure. And needless to say, where AD is concerned, we really need something. Because the population is only getting older. And right now, we have nothing.

At least, not in the way of conventional treatments. But if you take a look at my Drug-Free Protocol for Reversing Alzheimer’s and Dementia, you’ll find there’s actually a lot you can do to slam the brakes on cognitive decline without Big Pharma’s “help.”

So if you or someone you love is staring down the barrel of a dementia diagnosis, I strongly urge you to click here to learn more or sign up today. Because in a race against the clock, tomorrow could be too late.


“New Alzheimer’s Blood Test 94% Accurate.” Medscape Medical News, 08/02/19. (medscape.com/viewarticle/916372)