ADA theory on moderation is misguided

Same old, same old

I’ve taken on dieting myths before in the Reality Health Check, but today I came across a particularly maddening one that I just had to share–and set the record straight.

As part of the advertising for their recent conference, the American Dietetic Association (the “other” ADA) had the audacity to say that “weight management is about more than simply limiting intake and eating the ‘right’ foods.”

Really? What is it about then? Well, it’s also about exercise, but that’s not what they are talking about.

The ADA is suggesting instead that “a little bit of this” and “a little bit of that” can be a successful strategy for weight control. This is the same old, tired approach that has been tried over and over again.

Obviously it’s not working!

Instead of having a little of this and that, why not tell people the truth? If you are overweight, at risk for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer (and, as I’ve said before, these days that accounts for most of us), there are some foods that just aren’t right for you.

Simple as that.

That’s the “bad” news. The good news is, if you learn to eat the right foods–and there are many of them out there–you’ll be a lot lighter and healthier.

That’s what I’m here for–to help you figure out which foods are the right ones. And I’m not talking about Styrofoam rice cakes or stringy bean sprouts. In fact, if you’re anything like most of my patients, you’ll be downright shocked at all the rich, supposedly “fattening” foods you CAN eat and still lose weight (and keep your blood sugar in check to boot).