Alzheimer’s cases are skyrocketing—but you don’t have to become a statistic

This latest news couldn’t have come at a better time. Not that it’s good, mind you. In fact, as you will quickly see, there’s nothing good about it.

But I’ve just launched a new protocol designed to beat Alzheimer’s. And if the projections in this new report are anywhere close to accurate, it could wind up having a much bigger impact than even I anticipated.

I’m just going to jump right into it: Researchers at UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health estimate that 15 million Americans will suffer from either Alzheimer’s (AD) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) by 2060. That’s nearly triple the number of people currently facing this dreaded disease.

Meanwhile, the number of Americans with preclinical Alzheimer’s is set to shoot up to 75 million—a 60 percent increase. And the worst part is that many of these preclinical patients don’t even know that they have the disease.

Not that conventional medicine offers anything of significant value to help them—which is exactly why I created my protocol.

The research community has made a lot of strides when it comes to understanding the causes of Alzheimer’s—and most particularly, the importance of intervention in the pre-clinical stage of the disease. And this is exactly the stage that many of the methods in my protocol were designed to target. (Though I also include some truly stunning research on natural therapies that can halt—and even reverse—ALL stages of cognitive decline, from those all-too-common senior moments, to severe cases of full-blown Alzheimer’s.)

I have written over and over about the power of diet, nutritional supplementation, and exercise to halt the progression of Alzheimer’s and dementia. My protocol guides you through every step—allowing you to implement the most effective disease-modifying strategies before significant damage to your brain takes hold.

I realize it sounds very simple. (And in some ways, yes, it really is.) But I can assure you that you won’t find a program like this anywhere else. And here’s why.

Conventional wisdom assumes that the earliest stage of Alzheimer’s begins with the build-up of amyloid in the brain—not enough to cause symptoms, but enough to be detectable with imaging or spinal fluid testing.

Eventually, this amyloidosis gives way to neurodegeneration—leading to cognitive decline that’s only subtle at first. Then, it becomes diagnosable as mild cognitive impairment… and eventually, as full-fledged Alzheimer’s-type dementia.

Or so the conventional theory goes. And it probably won’t surprise you that I beg to differ.

And this difference becomes evident—striking, even—once you go through the lessons in my protocol. Mostly because conventional medicine never factors the real root cause into their “solutions.” (And in this case, I have to tell you, it isn’t those amyloid plaques.)

But let’s get back to this study. Because while the devil’s in the details, there are at least a few things that we can all agree on. The main thing being that prevention is critical. (Though, again, despite what the mainstream would have you believe, full recovery IS possible, as you’ll also see in my protocol.)

This study examined the potential impact of two different approaches. First, you have primary prevention, which involves interventions before physical changes to the brain take hold. (This is where my protocol starts—and it remains a tragically novel concept for traditional medicine.)

Then you have secondary prevention, which focuses on keeping patients with brain changes and associated mild cognitive impairment from progressing to more severe Alzheimer’s dementia. But even this is a break from the norm, since mainstream medicine almost always waits for diseases to reach crisis-point before it even considers doing anything about them.

While I obviously prefer the primary approach, prevention is prevention. And according to this study’s authors, both strategies could cut the projected annual risk of amyloidosis, MCI, and AD in half over the next forty years.

The fact that it often takes decades to move from the preclinical stages of disease to full-blown dementia means that we have time on our side. But we need to be prepared to make the most of it.

And I do mean “we”—not them. Because with their track record, you’d have to be crazy to expect conventional medicine to be on the cutting edge of anything. Even now, when there’s so much at stake.

The fact that they’re even talking about the role that factors like obesity and heart health play in our nation’s dismal dementia predictions is, frankly, shocking to me. But as usual, if you want a complete discussion of these issues—and more importantly, a detailed plan to address them effectively—you’re better off skipping straight to my new Drug-Free Protocol for Reversing Alzheimer’s and Dementia. You can learn more about it or enroll today by clicking here.

