An “off-label” approach to battling breast cancer

For centuries, physicians have been using everything from drugs and potions to snake oil and more to treat illness.

Even today, doctors often use drugs for “unintended” conditions. (Who knows, maybe this will be seen as barbaric in the future.)

We call that “off-label” use. And a timely example is Ozempic. (Many folks use this drug for weight loss, even though it was designed to treat Type 2 diabetes.)

Well, I was intrigued by a recent study that explored an old drug in a new way. And the results were pretty significant for breast cancer patients…

Uncovering the cholesterol connection

Let me preface today’s conversation by saying I hate statin medications. But I’d be remiss not to share the findings of this study—followed by my own takeaways. So, bear with me.

As you know, statins are the most common drugs used to lower cholesterol. That also means they may deprive tumor cells of the cholesterol needed for the production of cell membranes.

(Since tumor cells divide and reproduce quickly, they require the most cholesterol.)

And, according to the results of a randomized controlled trial (RCT), this could be the secret to improving disease-free survival, breast cancer-free interval, and metastatic-free interval among early-stage breast cancer patients.

For the study, researchers compared standard therapy plus a placebo pill against standard therapy plus atorvastatin (a statin) in patients with early-stage breast cancer. Then, they calculated hazard ratios (HR) of breast cancer mortality among both groups.

Ultimately, statin use improved survival (the researcher’s primary outcome). And the difference in mortality between statin and non-statin users was even stronger in patients receiving standard therapy (chemo).

A step in the right direction

Previous studies have also shown that higher LDL cholesterol levels might influence tumor growth in breast cancer. And the lower mortality risk finding in this recent RCT remains consistent with that notion.

While these findings are a step in the right direction, here’s a novel thought…

How about we start advocating for a lower carbohydrate diet? And overall better weight management?

These are natural, lifestyle prescriptions that can provide the same effects as statin medication—lower cholesterol. Only, without the nasty side effects!

Of course, you and I both know there’s no profit to be gained there. So, if the mainstream must push a pill, why not fall back on one with a higher safety profile? Even if it means using it “off label”?

For example, I’ve explained how metformin is yet another Type 2 diabetes drug that hosts several off-label uses. Well, some research suggests it might interfere with how cancer cells replicate, too.

In fact, some alternative cancer centers already use drugs in this way (off-label).

Point being, if you or a loved one are facing a cancer diagnosis, I encourage you to look at all avenues. Turn over every stone and always get more than one opinion.

Because you just never know what “alternative” approach might be the most beneficial to your journey. (Including natural ways to lower cholesterol.)

And for more details regarding simple, science-backed, natural strategies to fight cancer, check out my Essential Cancer Protocol. Click here to learn more about this innovative, online learning tool!


“Statin Use May Extend Life for Early Breast Cancer Patients.” MDedge, 05/21/2024. (