An unlikely natural weapon emerges in the fight against COVID-19

Today, I’d like to share some good news in the fight against COVID-19.

As I’ve mentioned recently, we’ve made some incredible progress over the last eight months, with scientists all around the world uniting with one single goal in mind: keeping us alive. They’re leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to stop this virus—and shockingly enough, they’re even looking at natural supplements as potential weapons in this war.

I’ve already shared the positive press about vitamin D3 and its possible effects on keeping the virus at bay. But now, according to a new study from the Cleveland Clinic, it looks like another supplement superstar might be joining the battle…

A surprising use for this natural sleep aid

We’ve talked about melatonin here before. Your body releases this hormone in response to darkness—as it’s responsible for regulating your circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles, among other roles. And guess what?

It’s also associated with a 30 percent lower risk of testing positive for COVID-19.

The research team behind this finding analyzed patient data from Cleveland Clinic’s COVID-19 registry—with a specific focus on common complications of severe illness, like sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

The goal was to see if any current drugs available on the market today could help in the fight against coronavirus. (If you ask me, this was a very wise thing to do. Why pour all our time and resources into inventing something new if we already have something in our tool box that can be re-purposed?)

They did this by cross-referencing key genetic features of the novel coronavirus with other common illnesses that we have more experience treating. Overall, researchers found that autoimmune, lung, and neurological diseases were the most similar.

Drawing from these similarities, the researcher identified 34 different potential drugs that could help curb complications from COVID-19. And good old melatonin emerged as one of the top contenders.

Safe and time-tested

I think we can all agree that this is pretty incredible. (And I certainly want to know what the other 33 promising treatments are!)

But I also find it interesting that both vitamin D3 and melatonin are hormones—so you have to wonder what the connection might be there. (Hopefully someone will consider looking into this connection soon.)

Still, you have to figure that—if mainstream researchers are willing to publish a study touting the promise of a simple nutritional supplement like melatonin—then there must be some pretty strong evidence on the table.

Because let’s be real: If this were any other drug or vaccine candidate, the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) would be kicking in as I type this. But of course, because this is a nutritional supplement, we get the usual song and dance. “Don’t take it without consulting your physician,” and “we still need large scale randomized controlled trials.”

We weren’t bombarded with any of that “fine print” with remdesivir, or the Pfizer/Moderna vaccines, or many of the COVID tests that were approved via EUA.

Bottom line? This is a nutritional supplement that’s been used for decades with very few reported side effects—so I certainly won’t hesitate to recommend it.

I’ve begun taking 3 mg every night before bedtime, myself—the same starting dosage I recommend to everyone. If you’re using melatonin to help manage sleep problems, you can go higher, slowly increasing the dosage in increments if need be. Just never exceed 20 mg.

In the meantime, continue boosting your immune system as we fight against this virus. I outline all of my top immune health recommendations in my Complete Guide to Year-Round Immunity. To learn more, simply click here now! And while you’re at it, start browsing my NuLogic Nutritionals website—don’t forget that I shared a very special free bottle VIP code with you yesterday. But in case you missed it, here it is again: THANKS 2020.

P.S. I still want to hear from you! Tell me… what are you thankful for this year? Drop me a note via e-mail: [email protected]. Or follow me on Facebook or Instagram, and leave me responses in the comments. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite responses throughout the holiday season!


“Researchers use ‘big data’ approach to identify melatonin as possible COVID-19 treatment.” Science Daily, 11/09/2020. (