And the latest toxic cancer culprit is…

Just when everyone thought they could bury their heads in the sand and go back to ignoring the dangers of one of the most lethal toxins on the planet, another jaw-dropping report emerges to snap the world back to reality.

And this time, I don’t mean glyphosate. Believe it or not, I’m talking about something even more pervasive… and by the numbers, even deadlier.

I’m talking, of course, about high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)—cane sugar’s cheaper, sweeter cousin. This toxin has direct links to obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. And according to the latest research, you can now add cancer to that list, too.

Fructose feeds polyp formation

Colorectal cancer rates are expected to skyrocket over the next decade or so—shooting up as much as 125 percent in 20- to 34-year-olds, and by as much as 46 percent in 35- to 49-year olds.

In response, the American Cancer Society is sounding the alarm for everyone to begin screening by the age of 45. But with rates doubling in the youngest age brackets, it’s hard to see how that proposal would even make a dent in these numbers…

But hey… why start with common sense now?

Rising rates of obesity and diabetes are the main culprits behind this shocking increase. So banning HFCS would be a no-brainer—on those grounds alone. But do you see anyone beating that drum? I sure don’t.

So listen up. Because a new study appearing in the journal Science shows that HFCS might fuel intestinal tumor growth—in mice, at least. And while you know I don’t usually share animal studies, this one was much too important to pass by.

I’m not going to bore you with the exact science behind this mechanism. But the simple explanation is that the body absorbs fructose and glucose differently. Fructose absorption, in particular, relies on a passive transporter called GLUT5.

But here’s the catch: As little as 5 g of fructose can short circuit GLUT5. Which means that instead of being absorbed, excess fructose moves right through the colon.

And this has consequences: When mice consumed the equivalent of one soda per day (which is high in fructose), they saw an increase in polyps. And these polyps quickly advanced into high-grade cancer lesions.

HFCS is everywhere you look

Investigators discovered a couple ways that HFCS fuels cancer—only one of which is by setting the conditions for aggressive polyp formation.

The other way is by increasing the activity of inflammasomes—complexes that trigger inflammatory responses, like cytokine release. They play a particularly big role in liver conditions like nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)—one of the fastest growing epidemics in the U.S.—and steatohepatitis, not to mention liver cell death.

But inflammasome upregulation also contributes to heart disease—and more specifically, to atherosclerosis, as well as plaque formation and rupture.

And as if all that wasn’t enough, let’s not forget that store shelves are lined with food products—many of which you feed your children with—that contain mercury from HFCS manufacturing byproducts. All of which, by law, can (and do) go unlabeled.

I even discussed the risks of mercury exposure in the August 2013 issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives (“The true cost of mercury toxicity—and why you should test for it today”). Subscribers have access to this and all of my archives. So if you haven’t already, consider signing up today to continue staying on top of all of the latest breakthroughs.

You’ll find HFCS in practically every sweetened processed food out there. Its links to chronic disease have led some states to attempt to restrict it—like with laws limiting the number of large sodas you can buy at once. But it’s been an uphill battle, to say the least.

And this paints the very inaccurate picture that it’s okay to have a little HFCS—in your ketchup, in your salad dressing, or in any of the hundreds of other unmarked sources hiding in the supermarket.

But mark my words: It isn’t safe.

Sugar kills in every iteration—and that includes natural sugar from fruit. But HFCS is particularly deadly. So please take steps to avoid eating it. And believe me when I say that your body will thank you.

P.S. If you’re suffering from diabetes, prediabetes, or metabolic syndrome, then I encourage you to check out my comprehensive, step-by-step Metabolic Repair Protocol. This interactive online learning tool will help you “re-program” your body to work the way it was meant to—naturally, and without dangerous drugs. This complete protocol includes all of the advice I give my very own patients—and you can follow from the comfort of your own home! To learn more or to enroll today, click here now.


Sickeningly Sweet: High-Fructose Corn Syrup’s Possible Role in Intestinal Cancer.” Medscape Medical News, 05/14/2019. (