Are you disinfecting your BRAIN?

We live in a toxic world.

And while I believe that getting back to the basics can help spare you from the modern health dangers of toxic chemicals…

It’s also not lost on me just how deep the threat lies.

Case in point: A new study reveals a startling link between common disinfecting products… and our brains.

Double down

According to researchers, there are two dangerous classes of chemicals that could sabotage healthy development of oligodendrocytes—this is the protective coating around central nervous system cells which are fundamental to brain development and function.

We’re talking about quaternary ammonium compounds (commonly used in disinfecting products and personal care items) and organophosphate flame retardants (frequently found in furniture, carpets, and electronics).

For the study, researchers analyzed the impact of 1,823 chemicals. (Who knew there were so many!?) And they discovered nearly 300 KILL—while close to 50 INHIBIT the proliferation of—oligodendrocytes.

(God only knows what the rest of those chemicals are doing to us!)

And not surprisingly, our exposure to these chemicals has nearly DOUBLED during the pandemic.

I mean, how many of you continue to disinfect more than ever before… or perhaps are prone to redecorate after all the time spent indoors?

Harmful across all generations

Some of us are older, which means we weren’t exposed to as many of these chemical compounds when we were children. (They simply weren’t used back then.)

But data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013-2018) found that a class of organophosphate flame retardant was present in ALL urine samples of children between the ages of three to 11 who were examined.

And compared to children with the lowest amount of this chemical in their bodies, those with the highest were:

  • Twice as likely to require special education
  • Six times as likely to develop dysfunction in gross motor skills

How can anyone see those results and not think these chemicals should be banned?

Naturally, the medical community is crying out that we need more data, more research… the same song and dance.

And while we do need more data points—like how long before exposure turns toxic— these results are enough for me to recommend avoiding these chemicals at all costs.

I’ve personally been on a mission to live my life as chemical-free as possible. And I’m not sure why the medical establishment is taking such a laissez-faire approach to something that has very real impacts on our younger generations, especially.

Could this be why there’s a steep rise in ADHD, autism, anxiety disorders, and depression in children? Food for thought…

P.S. Tomorrow we’ll take a closer look at just how many chemicals you might be exposing yourself to on a daily basis. Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox!


“Common Household Chemicals Tied to Brain Cell Damage.” Medscape, 03/26/2024. (