Yesterday’s conversation about thyroid testing got me thinking about another recent study dealing with this tiny butterfly-shaped gland. And this one may be even more concerning—especially if you’re someone who uses a cell phone every day.
Let’s dive right in…
A carcinogenic combo
Yale researchers looked at more than 900 subjects in Connecticut. And they found a link between cell phone radiation and thyroid cancer among people with specific genetic variations called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, or “snips”).
It wasn’t a small increase in risk, either. These scientists examined more than 175 genes, and found ten SNPs that appeared to increase thyroid cancer risk among cell phone users. And among users with SNPs in four of the genes studied, risk more than doubled.
The results appeared in the journal Environmental Research earlier this year. And it’s the first to look at the dangerous combination of cell phone use and thyroid cancer risk.
The data for this study was collected between 2010 and 2011, back when smartphones weren’t the norm. So it’s possible that older generations of phones carried some risk that today’s cell phones don’t.
But at the same time, rates of thyroid cancer have more than tripled in the U.S. since 1980. From as few as two out of every 100,000 men and six out of every 100,000 women… to almost eight out of every 100,000 men, and more than 22 out of every 100,000 women.
And while rocketing rates of obesity are most certainly a primary factor behind this rise, I think we can all agree that this latest study offers some serious food for thought.
Keep a safe distance
I’ve talked about the use of SNPs for cancer risk assessment here before—but gene variations are simply that. They aren’t a diagnosis. And in this case (as in most), there are two factors at work.
One of which, you absolutely can—and should—control, whether you have one of these ten SNPs or not. Because this isn’t the first time that cell phones have been implicated as potential carcinogens.
It’s been a while since we’ve addressed the subject, but researchers have been exploring links between cell phone use and brain cancer for years now. The verdict? Well, there really isn’t one… yet.
The answer still very much depends on who you talk to. And we’re all in a tough position where we simply have to do the best we can with the limited information we have.
Is it enough for me to tell you to ditch your cell phone? No. And that wouldn’t be practical anyway. Even for me, these little devices have become an indispensable part of daily life.
But what I can do is give you a few critical tips:
- Use hands-free devices whenever possible.
- Always keep your cell phone away from your head and neck—not to mention your chest and your genital area. (In other words, away from your person whenever possible is best.)
- Don’t sleep with you cell phone right next to you. Power it down and give your body a break.
Until we know more, you’re better safe than sorry.
P.S. For additional simple, science-backed strategies to fortify your defenses—and stop cancer in its tracks—check out my Essential Cancer Protocol. To learn more about this innovative, online learning tool, or to enroll today, click here now!
“Thyroid cancer, genetic variations, cell phones linked in new study.” Science Daily, 02/12/2020. (