Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) is a serious condition. It causes your heart to beat faster (or in an irregular pattern)—and raises your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Similar to other health conditions, your A-fib risk increases as you age.
But now, recent research suggests this condition is impacting those under 65 at an alarming rate…
Ultimately leading to more dangerous health outcomes.
Concerning findings for those under 65
In a study published in Circulation Arrythmia and Electrophysiology, researchers analyzed electronic health records of just over 67,220 patients who sought care for A-fib between 2010 and 2019.
Ultimately, they concluded that over 25 percent of these patients were under the age of 65…
A surprising—and steep—difference to the predicted 2 percent prevalence among this age group.
Not only that, but the study also found that A-fib patients suffered an earlier death compared to those of a similar age without A-fib.
And among these young patients, hospitalization risk for heart failure, stroke, or heart attack also increased.
Importantly, researchers revealed common risk factors among these patients, including smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea—all of which can increase cardiovascular risks, like A-fib.
Taking a step back
These study results should be a real eye-opener for cardiologists.
After all, as explained by the study author: “Common knowledge among cardiologists is that, in people under 65, A-fib is extremely uncommon and not detrimental. But there really hasn’t been any data to back that up.”
Of course, most mainstream docs will continue focusing on all the wrong things—and prescribing drugs like beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and digoxin to help control episodes of A-fib.
But these drugs come with a slew of serious side effects. And an earlier diagnosis just means you’ll be on the hook for longer.
The good news is, potassium may be a viable alternative to help manage those scary, irregular heartbeats.
In fact, some research suggests that low potassium is a major risk factor for developing A-Fib in the first place!
Learn all about it—including how you can safely increase your potassium levels—by referring to the February 2023 issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives (“‘UNSUNG HERO’ defends against cardiovascular disease”).
Subscribers can access that article by logging in with their credentials after clicking here.
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P.S. Want to safeguard your heart against more than “just” A-fib? I’m talking about high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and more? Then I encourage you to check out my comprehensive online learning tool, my Ultimate Heart-Protection Protocol. Click here to learn more!
“Atrial fibrillation more common and dangerous in younger people than previously thought.” MDLinx, 04/23/2024. (