Berries may prevent Parkinson’s

Countless studies point to the health benefits of the flavonoids in berries. Blueberries, strawberries, cranberries. They’re all jam-packed with all-important flavonoids called anthocyanins, which give the berries their color.

Now, important research shows that berries may help offset the risk of Parkinson’s disease. The study appeared in the journal Neurology.

The Harvard researchers analyzed data from the well-regarded Nurses’ Health Study (80,336 women) and the Health Professional Follow-Up Study (49,281 men). They looked at flavonoid-rich food intake in 805 participants who developed Parkinson’s disease. And compared it against men and women who did not develop this debilitating disease.

The tally? Men and women who ate the most berries (twice or more every week) had less risk of Parkinson’s.

Men had the greatest benefit. Those who regularly ate all sorts of foods with flavonoids–tea, berries, apples, and red wine–had 40% less risk of Parkinson’s.

So be sure to stock up on plenty of fresh berries at your local farmer’s market. They’re great with your morning eggs, tossed in a salad, or as a simple dessert with heavy cream.