Statins are back in the news—wreaking even more havoc on innocent victims.
We already know they can cause muscle pains and injury — just to name a few side effects. Statins are also a culprit in the US’ ballooning BMI. And now, we can add cataracts to this frightening list.
According to an analysis of two different populations of statin users, it appears statins significantly elevate the risk of developing cataracts severe enough to warrant surgery.
But it gets even worse. Because the so-called “experts” believe this risk is perfectly acceptable.
“Because cataract surgery is effective and well tolerated, this association should be disclosed but not be considered a deterrent to use of statins when warranted for cardiovascular risk reduction,” they write.
Gee, I wonder how much this cavalier attitude is costing the health care system.
Do these folks have any idea how much Medicare pays for cataract surgery? Do they know how many people suffer for the rest of their lives from cataract surgery? Any surgery, no matter how “effective and well tolerated,” has inherent risks associated with it.
But these clowns think those risks are “worth it.”
Here’s a direct quote from one editorial: “the prevention of CVD, stroke, and their associated morbidity and mortality vastly outweighs the risk of cataracts. Even among lower-risk patients, for whom the benefit/risk ratio is less dramatic, most patients would still probably prefer having to undergo earlier non–life-threatening cataract surgery over suffering a major vascular event.”
This is opinion. Not evidence.
Again—and this is worth repeating—there is no scientific evidence to support the use of statin drugs for anything but lowering cholesterol levels. And there is no evidence that lowering your cholesterol level will decrease your risk for heart attacks or strokes.
Yet doctors continue to prescribe statins as if they were the tablets from Moses.
And as you and I both know, if it were up to cardiologists, statins would be in the water supply. (Oh wait, they already are, as a byproduct of their massive over-prescription.)
Here’s the deal, and I’ve said it before: I think most “high cholesterol” diagnoses are not high at all, and simply create needless worry…and needless pill prescriptions. < > ).
Rather than being dangerous in and of itself, high cholesterol is a marker for two underlying conditions in the body—inflammation and oxidative stress.
And statins won’t do squat to help either one.
The fact is, there is no reason to use a medication for something when making a few simple changes to your lifestyle can accomplish the same goal.
You see, it’s the French fries, white bread, pasta, cookies, and sugary sodas that cause inflammation, oxidative stress, and, ultimately, “high” cholesterol. And lack of exercise sets this chain reaction into overdrive.
So get up off the couch. Get rid of the processed, carb- and sugar-laden foods. Stock your kitchen with wholesome, healthy foods (yes, including ones that contain fat). And before you know it, things will fall back into place. No statins required.
I don’t know about you, but I would rather change my diet, exercise and take a few supplements than lose my vision. Your call, though.
“Statin use and risk for cataract: A nested case-control study of 2 populations in Canada and the United States.” Can J Cardiol 2014; 30:1613-1619.
“Doctor my eyes: A statin-cataract connection?” Can J Cardiol 2014; 30:1508-1510.
“Cataracts From Statins? More Signals Emerge in Analyses,” MedScape Medical News, 12/10/14