Boost your memory with this combination of healthy foods

Back in the 80s, I remember a few fad diets that were based on the idea that you shouldn’t combine certain types of foods. That always struck me as overcomplicated and unnecessary—especially since simple, straightforward approaches like low carb diets offer better, more sustainable results.  

But I recently came across an interesting study suggesting that certain combinations of foods can have a big impact on dementia risk 

Let’s take a look at what the science had to say…  

Food quality always matters 

French researchers from the University of Bordeaux found that people with diets consisting mainly of ultra-processed and starchy foods were significantly more likely to wind up with dementia than peers with diets featuring a wider mix of healthy foods—even if they also ate some processed foods. 

Now, I’m guessing I don’t need to point out the obviousness of this conclusion. You have to wonder if the researchers themselves were suffering from some kind of memory loss if they actually thought this was some kind of groundbreaking investigation. 

They also managed to get the underlying premise completely wrong, as usual. Just once, I’d like to see a study showing just how much brain benefit there is in cutting the garbage out of your diet entirely. Because believe me, there isn’t any value in processed junk foods at all. 

Still, what makes this research unique is that the scientists chose to focus on the combinations of the foods consumed—not just the amounts of any given food. And that’s an important distinction… 

Variety makes the difference 

Researchers examined food “networks”—or the interplay between foodsincluding alcohol and other drinks—to see how co-consumption influenced outcomes. Subjects took comprehensive dietary surveys alongside interviews with trained dieticians. 

Ultimately, results showed that while the amounts of food consumed didn’t differ significantly, the subjects’ overall diets did. And those most likely to develop dementia were also more likely to have diets based primarily on processed meat, potatoes and other starchy foods, alcohol, and highly processed snacks.  

Meanwhile, the least likely to develop dementia were the subjects with a more diverse diet that included a range of healthier foods.  

Honestly, can’t imagine a less shocking conclusion.  

I mean, what would you expect? Literally any healthy addition is bound to make a noteworthy difference when the bar is set so low. In other words, this is yet another nail in the coffin for poor dietary choicesAnd another win for healthy, balanced diets (like my A-List Diet.) 

As I’m always telling you, following a balanced that combines a variety of healthy foods—like fresh, organic produce, lean meats, and nuts and seeds—offers significant protection to your overall health, including your cognition, and helps ward off chronic diseasePeriod. 

So, start making smart dietary choices—starting todayAnd just say no to ultra-processed “Frankenfoods”(Be sure to check out my cooking show on Instagram TV or YouTube as well, where I always cook with a variety of fresh foods. After all, nutritious meals can be simple and delicious!) 

P.S. For additional ways to naturally help protect and restore memory, strengthen focus, and fight dementia, I encourage you to check out my Alzheimers Prevention and Treatment Plan. To learn more about this comprehensive online learning tool, or to enroll today, click here now.  


Diet and Dementia Risk: New Food for Thought.” Medscape Medical News, 04/24/2020. (