[BREAKING] This health crisis WILL impact your grandchildren

I often pose the question: “Is male infertility the next global crisis in the making?”

I hate to say it, but the answer is a resounding YES.

Of course, some choose to see this as a blessing in disguise—a way to slow the world’s population to something more sustainable.

But the consequences of infertility are much more far-reaching. And it’s impacting our grandchildren… RIGHT NOW!

According to some groundbreaking research, however, some of the underlying factors are entirely preventable.

Let me explain…

Lose weight, gain fertility

It’s no surprise that obesity is linked to low semen counts and quality. And that’s exactly what a new study has found.

(Why doctors don’t prescribe weight loss as the first step in the journey to parenthood is beyond me. Oh, wait, it’s because fertility treatments are a HUGE money maker for big Medicine… how could I forget!?)

Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and Hvidovre Hospital recruited 56 obese men between the ages of 16 and 65.

Participants followed a low-calorie diet and ultimately lost an average of 36 pounds.

The trial continued for a full year after weight loss. And here’s what researchers found:

  • Eight weeks after weight loss, men experienced a 50 percent increase in sperm concentration (quality) and a 40 percent increase in sperm count.
  • One year after weight loss, men maintained improved semen quality and had DOUBLE the amount of sperm.

However, those who failed to maintain their weight loss also lost any boost in semen quality and quantity.

Consistency is key

This is yet another example of my ongoing message of being consistent with your healthy lifestyle habits.

While I understand it’s easier to be consistent with bad habits, I’m also here to tell you that those good habits do get easier to maintain the longer you stick with them.

There will be ups and downs—we can’t always eat right, exercise as much as we vow to, or get enough sleep.

But the more you treat these health endeavors as if they were your job, the easier it will all become.

This research looked directly at fertility issues—but you and I both know these habits will translate to better overall health… at any age.

So, whether your grandchildren are currently overweight and struggling with fertility issues… or you’re overweight and struggling with poor health… perhaps you make a commitment to get serious about these healthy habits TOGETHER!

Adopt a healthy, balanced diet full of lean protein (wild-caught fish and seafood, grass-fed and -finished meat, eggs), fresh produce, and healthy fats (nuts, avocados, macadamia nut oil).

For more personalized advice, order yourself a copy of my A-List Diet book.

In addition, make a commitment to hit your weekly goal of at least 150 minutes of physical activity.

For weight loss, I typically recommend focusing on aerobic activity, like taking a brisk walk, jogging, swimming, biking, tennis, and more. The key here is making sure you break a sweat.

Until next time,
Dr. Fred

P.S. To learn about other driving factors behind the male infertility crisis, check out the June 2020 issue of my monthly Logical Health Alternatives newsletter. Not yet a subscriber? Click here to become one.

“Men with obesity can double their sperm count.” ScienceDaily, 05/23/2022. (sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/05/220523102242.htm)