Cancer? ‘Magic’ plant REDUCES chronic pain

I’m always telling you about the dangers of opioids.

These medications, which many docs dole out like candy, are addictive and can lead to many problems—from difficulty breathing to irregular heartbeats.

But when it comes to treating chronic pain, there are natural and safe alternatives to opioids.

In fact, researchers found this “magic” plant can help cancer patients manage chronic pain and reduce opioid use.

Let me explain.

Reduce pain, opioid use  

According to researchers from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, oncology patients who used medical cannabis—our magic plant—significantly reduced their pain levels and opioid use.

For the study, participants completed questionnaires before starting treatment and then several times over the course of six months.

Researchers then gathered data on pain measures and opioid use. They found patients had less pain—and nearly half stopped taking opioids altogether—after the medicinal cannabis treatment.

And considering many oncology patients deal with pain, anxiety, and depression—all of which can lead to a worsened prognosis—I’d say this is quite a “magical” find.

Proven benefits  

This isn’t the first study I’ve shared with you about the benefits of medicinal cannabis.

In a separate study, researchers found those who took cannabis reported lower pain scores when compared to controls. More importantly, they didn’t require increased dosages of opioids to control pain.

What’s more, by the end of the study period, nearly 50 percent of the controls had died versus only 20 percent of the patients who took medical marijuana from the start.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: What we have in marijuana is a true way out of the opioid crisis—through safe, natural, non-addictive, plant-based medicine.

That’s why I’ve devoted so much time over the years to discuss the powers of cannabis—both here in my Reality Health Check, and in my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives.

In the July 2019 issue (“Is chronic pain holding you hostage?”), I even expanded on its promising role in pain relief. Subscribers have access to all of my past content in the archives. Not yet a subscriber? Click here to become one!

Until next week,

Dr. Fred


“Medical marijuana can help cancer patients manage pain, reduce opioid use.” Study Finds, 05/24/2022. (