It’s exciting to see that people are finally admitting that obesity plays a central role in diabetes. (A fact that has been crystal clear for decades… yet no one has wanted to do anything about [...]
It’s exciting to see that people are finally admitting that obesity plays a central role in diabetes. (A fact that has been crystal clear for decades… yet no one has wanted to do anything about [...]
Even before the coronavirus hit our shores, some 40 million adults in the U.S.—and countless kids and teens—struggled with an anxiety disorder. And now, a full year into the pandemic, it’s safe [...]
With everyone jumping on the plant–based diet bandwagon these days, I try to bring some sense to the narrative whenever I can. It’s not that I don’t understand the trend. After all, I [...]
Given yesterday’s discussion on how diabetes dramatically increases COVID death risk, I thought I’d take some time today to talk about the single best way to get your blood sugar under control. [...]
Back in the 80s, I remember a few fad diets that were based on the idea that you shouldn’t combine certain types of foods. That always struck me as overcomplicated and unnecessary—especially [...]
So now that we’ve covered what we, as a country, are doing wrong where diet is concerned—thanks to the USDA—I thought I would spend today talking about one simple thing you can do to stay on the [...]
I won’t mince words here: Eating healthy isn’t for the faint of heart. Yes, it can be extremely decadent and delicious. But there are things you’re going to have to give up, no matter what—so you [...]
Lately, I’ve been extra-focused on COVID-19 and helping us get to the other side of this uncertain period. But even though I haven’t devoted as much time talking about diet and weight loss over [...]
Well, another holiday season is over. And it’s back to business as usual. (That is, as usual as any business has been since COVID-19 came to town.) Without a doubt, 2020 has changed life [...]
For some reason, the powers-that-be are committed to defending the status quo, no matter how much logic they have to defy in the process. So I’ve come to terms with the fact that the news I [...]
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