More young children than ever are suffering from diseases that were once reserved for unhealthy adults. And that bothers me… a lot. But there’s more bad news… A recent Centers for Disease [...]
More young children than ever are suffering from diseases that were once reserved for unhealthy adults. And that bothers me… a lot. But there’s more bad news… A recent Centers for Disease [...]
Boy, was I alarmed when I read a recent headline linking adolescent obesity to midlife cancer risk. That’s partly because this news hits close to home: As you may recall, I was an obese child [...]
I find it devastating that we continue to eat our way to chronic illness. But worse, by far, is the fact that we’ve led our children down this tragic path alongside us. There’s not a parent alive [...]
There’s a reason my first book was called Feed Your Kids Well. It’s my firm belief that the way we’ll eat for the rest of our lives is embedded in us as infants, toddlers, and young children. [...]
Yesterday, we talked about the contributing role that bacterial diversity plays in the obesity crisis. Today I want to share a study on a similar subject… in a very different population. One [...]
Often, it’s the little things in life that have the most profound impact on our health. But when we spend so much time seeking out newer, cutting-edge shortcuts to fix our problems, it’s easy to [...]
Here’s a frightening statistic that really fired me up when I read it: If current trends continue to prevail, more than half of America’s kids will be obese by age 35. This, despite the fact that [...]
Prepare yourself. Because today’s topic is a real smack in the face. I can’t believe I’m even writing about this, to be honest. There are quite a few things about the following story I find [...]
I saw the childhood obesity crisis coming from miles — or I should say decades — away. I was at a conference in Orlando. So of course, I went to Disney World. And when I looked around, all I saw [...]
Not a day goes by where I don’t counsel my patients on the vital importance of a good night’s sleep. And as I’m sure you’ve noticed, it also gets plenty of lip service here in the Reality Health [...]