Two steps forward, one step back — that pretty much sums up the latest move against this country’s snowballing childhood obesity crisis. This one comes courtesy of the U.S. Preventive Services [...]
Two steps forward, one step back — that pretty much sums up the latest move against this country’s snowballing childhood obesity crisis. This one comes courtesy of the U.S. Preventive Services [...]
Yesterday I told you how the American Academy of Pediatrics is finally alerting parents to the damage fruit juice can do. As I said in that Reality Health Check, the statement is a step in the [...]
Here’s another downside to childhood obesity — as if we needed another, beyond the fact that it puts kids at risk for almost every ailment under the sun. (Including those we used to see only in [...]
My first book, Feed Your Kids Well, was far ahead of its time. It was 1999 — long before the childhood obesity epidemic was a household conversation topic — and people were not ready to [...]
On Tuesday, I told you that Coca-Cola is facing a lawsuit for deceiving people into thinking their sugary drinks can be part of a healthy diet. But soda isn’t the only culprit in our nation’s [...]
I swear, it feels like my email is reading my mind these days. Yesterday I told you about a couple of messages I got regarding statins (one that went against everything I believe about these [...]
It seems that every other country in the world is willing to take steps to improve its public health other than the United States. What’s more, they’re doing it without spending billions of [...]
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I came across the following headline: “AHA Says Cap Added Sugars for Kids at 6 Teaspoons a Day.” Six teaspoons! As if 6 teaspoons of sugar per day weren’t already [...]
I don’t think it’s ever too early to start paying attention to your child’s weight. I was an overweight child myself. And some of my most traumatic memories stem from that time in my life. [...]
I devote a lot of space here in the Reality Health Check to the obesity crisis. And if you’ve been a reader of mine for a while, then you know nothing saddens and dismays me more than childhood [...]