A new study found that eating a “magic snack” can lower your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol… all without making any dietary or lifestyle changes. Sounds too good to be true, right? (YES!) The truth [...]
A new study found that eating a “magic snack” can lower your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol… all without making any dietary or lifestyle changes. Sounds too good to be true, right? (YES!) The truth [...]
It appears that, unfortunately, the “powers that be” are still clueless. Especially when it comes to natural disease prevention and longevity. Because while they’re advocating that eliminating [...]
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, let’s talk about cholesterol. Because there are a few traditions that might simply spell trouble for your heart. (Especially if you fall victim to [...]
Since I often write to you about what makes me nuts, how about today we talk about actual nuts—the edible kind. You may already know that nuts are one of my favorite foods. And now, research has [...]
Just when you thought the case against statins couldn’t get stacked any higher, along comes another study showing that—among a long list of other risks, from muscle pain to diabetes—they weaken [...]
I’ve never been one to buy into the cholesterol myth…ever. In fact, for most people, I don’t think cholesterol matters one bit. Which is why I’ve long been a vocal opponent against the stringent [...]
We’ve known for many years—at least since the 1970s—that heart disease starts young. And yet, for at least that long, people haven’t bothered to do anything about it. Well… most people. Way back [...]
You know what would be nice? If people in this country were half as charged up about what’s going on in American politics as they are about the supposed “dangers” of eggs. But I’ll say this: The [...]
Maybe you’ve noticed the recent flood of negative press about fish oil — and more specifically, whether or not it actually has any benefit… I certainly have. Not because it’s anything new, of [...]
And the walls that the American medical community has built around itself just keep tumbling down… But I’m not just here to applaud it… I’ll continue to act as one of the most outspoken voices [...]