As you well know by now, I am a big fan of regular detoxes. With all the toxins our bodies face every day — from environmental pollution to the junk in the food we eat and the water we drink — [...]
As you well know by now, I am a big fan of regular detoxes. With all the toxins our bodies face every day — from environmental pollution to the junk in the food we eat and the water we drink — [...]
Spring is in full swing. We’ve set our clocks ahead — and that means it’s time to schedule your quarterly detox, too. Because believe me, it’s going to be more essential than ever this [...]
I need to keep the conversation going about just how prevalent diabetes is in our society — and what you can do to protect yourself from becoming a victim. Because some new research shows [...]
Earlier this week I told you about the dangers of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and just how prevalent they are in our daily lives. They’re literally everywhere — in our food [...]
This morning I was speaking with Veronica Atkins, the wife of my mentor, Dr. Robert C. Atkins. We were discussing how the work Dr. Atkins did (and the work I continue to do) was so ahead of its [...]
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Q: How can I be sure a detox protocol works? Are there any tests I should take before and after to measure for toxins? Dr. Fred: This would all depend on what exactly you are trying to detoxify [...]
You should be really proud of yourself. You’ve kicked the obvious sugar bombs, like cookies, candy, and ice cream. You’ve given up “white foods” like white potatoes, white rice, and other [...]
So if you’re following the 10-day “Sugar Challenge,” you’ve ditched all of the candy and boxed spaghetti from your pantry by now. And that’s great! But you’re not completely out of the woods yet. [...]