It looks like there’s a new weight loss wonder drug on the market. I’m talking about semaglutide, which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2017. Of course, it wasn’t [...]
It looks like there’s a new weight loss wonder drug on the market. I’m talking about semaglutide, which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2017. Of course, it wasn’t [...]
Yesterday, I shared some grim statistics—and talked a little bit about the high price we stand to pay as a country for letting the twin epidemics of diabetes and obesity run rampant for far too [...]
I first learned the term “diabesity” from my mentor, Dr. Robert Atkins, years ago. And I still use the term today—more often than not, unfortunately. It describes the twin epidemics of type 2 [...]
Given yesterday’s discussion on how diabetes dramatically increases COVID death risk, I thought I’d take some time today to talk about the single best way to get your blood sugar under control. [...]
We are now a full year into the pandemic. And one thing that has been evident right out of the gate is that patients who are overweight, obese, or have diabetes are also at the highest risk of [...]
Over the years, we’ve talked a lot about how artificial sweeteners are no improvement over sugar where your metabolic health is concerned. In fact, if forced to pick my poison, I would probably [...]
Yesterday, I shared a recent study that showed that, if you’re obese, all you have to do is drop 13 percent of your body weight to cut your risk of diabetes nearly in half. And today, I’ve got [...]
I realize I talk about weight loss and diabetes a lot. But “diabesity” was easily the most urgent health crisis facing the Western world pre-pandemic. And let’s face it… it still is—because as [...]
Yesterday I talked about how nutrition isn’t always as black and white as most people would like. Well, one new study suggests that it could be black and green. Let me explain… Coffee and tea cut [...]
I know I urge you regularly to stay away from heartburn drugs like your life depends on it. (Because let’s be very clear here—it does.) But you better believe I’ll continue to shout it from the [...]