As we just discussed last week, I prefer to think of nutrition in a broader sense than labeling food as “good” or “bad.” (Unless we’re talking about sugar, of course!) That’s why I often [...]
As we just discussed last week, I prefer to think of nutrition in a broader sense than labeling food as “good” or “bad.” (Unless we’re talking about sugar, of course!) That’s why I often [...]
If you’ve been a reader of mine for a while now, then you know I have no love for the American Diabetes Association (ADA). Not least of all because they help to propagate the lie that carbs of [...]
Are we really still debating the nutritional value of eggs? And spending precious research dollars to investigate a question we answered a long time ago? Have these researchers been living under [...]
There’s so much that infuriates me about the mainstream’s absurd obsession with low-fat diets — it’s hard to know where to start. For one thing, falsely pegging fat as the enemy has allowed the [...]
I know better than most anyone how crucial overcoming psychological hurdles is in the quest to get — and more importantly, stay — healthy. After all, I was an obese child myself many years ago. [...]
It’s hard to believe so much controversy could swirl around the humble egg. Ever since the anti-fat hysteria of the 1980s, doctors have been advising people to avoid eggs. “They’re high in [...]
As a rule, I don’t believe in magic bullets. (I’ve been in the diet business long enough to know better.) But there is one exception. And that’s macadamia nut oil. Start using it today, and [...]
If the study I shared yesterday is any indication, the long-waged war on fat may finally be winding down. But I won’t be resting on my laurels anytime soon. Because there’s still a whole lot of [...]
There’s a reason I’m always bombarding you with news that supports the recommendations I make to you — and it’s not because I’m patting myself on the back. It’s because I know first-hand [...]
What I am about to tell you is such shocking news that I really think you ought to sit down for this one… According to recent results from the Spanish PREDIMED trial, Mediterranean diets [...]