I’m always reporting on the many health benefits of fish and fish oil. In fact, I recently shared the powerful impact that eating just two servings of fish per week can have on heart health and [...]
I’m always reporting on the many health benefits of fish and fish oil. In fact, I recently shared the powerful impact that eating just two servings of fish per week can have on heart health and [...]
As I just reported yesterday, there are ample reasons to boost your intake of omega-3 fatty acids for optimal health. So, allow me to offer one more: Having high levels of these fatty acids [...]
It’s surprising to me that so many of the simplest pieces of nutritional wisdom—the very same truths our parents and grandparents lived by—cause such shock and awe among the modern medical [...]
These days, we all have one major health concern that’s top of mind: the big C. (And this time, I don’t mean cancer.) But even in the midst of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we still need to [...]
Proper nutrition may not be a magic bullet for every problem. But it is a key component to most of them. And that’s particularly true for mood swings. And I’m not just talking about “hangry” [...]
A brilliant and very large observational study about fish oil recently made some headlines. It linked regular fish oil consumption with a lower risk of cardiovascular events like stroke and heart [...]
Yes, I admit that I’m cynical by nature. (Though perhaps I’ve also just been in the business too long.) But it’s funny how, now that Big Pharma has a patented fish oil on the market, all sorts of [...]
I never thought I’d live to see the day that supplements gained mainstream support for disease prevention. Yet, where omega-3s are concerned at least, it appears as though we have finally [...]
You aren’t going to believe this, but after all the controversy and naysaying over fish oil, guess what? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is finally recommending high-dose EPA—an essential [...]
‘Concerning’: Vitamin Use in Men With Prostate Cancer Increasing. That’s a real headline that I recently came across. And I find it, well… concerning, to put it mildly. Because here’s the thing: [...]
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