If you want to stay healthy, you need a healthy gut. The bacteria that reside there play a critical role in protecting your body from all sorts of threats. (There’s a reason why there are more [...]
If you want to stay healthy, you need a healthy gut. The bacteria that reside there play a critical role in protecting your body from all sorts of threats. (There’s a reason why there are more [...]
As the nation collectively ages, brain health has become a super hot topic. I mean, who doesn’t want to keep their memory intact well beyond their golden years? (Even if there are some things we [...]
Our bodies are amazing instruments. And just like musical instruments sound even better when they’re tuned up, your body will look and feel better when everything is aligned, too… right down to [...]
Yesterday, I talked about the emerging phenomenon of long COVID—a condition in which patients experience symptoms as long as 12 weeks after the start of acute illness. Today, I’d like to [...]
It’s important to pay attention to (and nourish) your microbiome for various health reasons. Not only does good gut health help combat depression, low mood, and anxiety, but now, a new study [...]
The “winter blues” seem to hit every year as soon as the holidays end. And this year? Well, I think it’s safe to say we have a double whammy headed our way. The crises of 2020 didn’t just [...]
Earlier this week, I talked to you about a quick cardiovascular screening tool that I wasn’t necessarily fond of. So, today, allow me to share one novel approach that I am excited about: [...]
It’s time for your semi-regular reminder of just how important those bacteria living in your body are. So important, in fact, that they likely have a hand in every single aspect of your health. [...]
I couldn’t help but laugh when I came across a recent article calling personalized nutrition the “new” diet. Though I guess, ultimately, it’s both funny and sad. Funny because that’s how I’ve [...]
I might start referring to the gut as “Captain Health”—because if there’s any part of your body that deserves a superhero name, it’s your microbiome. And today, I’m not just talking about its [...]