Right after residency training, I knew there had to be more to medicine than what I was taught. I simply didn’t believe in the “sick” model that informs American medicine. And I have my family to [...]
Right after residency training, I knew there had to be more to medicine than what I was taught. I simply didn’t believe in the “sick” model that informs American medicine. And I have my family to [...]
This isn’t the first time I’ve written about coffee — and I can guarantee it won’t be the last. It’s one the most popular “vices” among my patients. So while I’m not a coffee drinker myself, I [...]
Yesterday, I delivered yet another argument against the modern notion of being “fat but fit.” In case you missed it, I discussed research showing that obesity nearly triples your risk of a heart [...]
This week’s theme seems to be the power of consistency — a frequently touted message of mine, for sure. But while yesterday’s discussion focused on the benefits of long-term exercise to ward off [...]
Do you live in a red or a blue state? You might not think it matters. (At least, not as far as your health is concerned.) Well, think again. Because according to new research, the answer to this [...]
On Monday, I explained how something as simple as 20 minutes of exercise per day could cut your risk of cancer by as much as 42 percent. Today, I’m going to switch gears ever so slightly, and [...]