Yesterday, we talked about declining rates of fertility as a result of the chemical soup we’re living in. So, today, let’s talk about another factor that directly influences reproductive [...]
Yesterday, we talked about declining rates of fertility as a result of the chemical soup we’re living in. So, today, let’s talk about another factor that directly influences reproductive [...]
Well, another holiday season is over. And it’s back to business as usual. (That is, as usual as any business has been since COVID-19 came to town.) Without a doubt, 2020 has changed life [...]
Depression can strike anyone, at any time. But this post-holiday period is a particularly hard time for some people. There are bills to pay and decorations to put away—and weeks’ worth of [...]
Sometimes, I come across a rare bit of research that combines all of my favorite subjects into one single report—and vindicates my entire career’s work in one fell swoop. And when I do, you [...]
Your kidneys are your body’s built-in “filtration” system—so I’m guessing I don’t need to explain their importance. Or why chronic kidney disease is such a serious problem. But I will point out [...]
I had to laugh when I saw a recent article in my inbox. So let me just give you the headline, and then I’ll skewer it: “Clinicians Hungry for Education on Diet for Pain Management” Oh, so NOW [...]
I know I’m always bringing up the benefits of the Mediterranean diet — and its close relatives, my Hamptons Diet and The A-list Diet. And all for good reason… The fact is that many Americans [...]
There’s a reason my first book was called Feed Your Kids Well. It’s my firm belief that the way we’ll eat for the rest of our lives is embedded in us as infants, toddlers, and young children. [...]
It’s no surprise that changing your diet can change your body. And yet, the scientific community continues to pour money into studies to observe what we already know. For instance, a new [...]
Last week, we talked about the problem with embracing fat as the “new normal.” Instead of fighting our country’s growing obesity epidemic, we’re resizing everything around us to accommodate it. [...]
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