It seems like everyone is talking about metabolic health these days. And with good reason. Your metabolism influences your weight, liver and heart health, and even your blood sugar. Of [...]
It seems like everyone is talking about metabolic health these days. And with good reason. Your metabolism influences your weight, liver and heart health, and even your blood sugar. Of [...]
Many people remember a time in their life when they could eat just about anything and not gain a single pound. (I’m not one of those people. I was overweight from childhood through [...]
I’ve never really bought into the idea of “healthy obesity.” The premise that some people who are overweight or obese may actually be healthy has always struck me as a pipedream, and a [...]
Today, let’s talk about sleep. Healthy sleep habits are every bit as important as diet and exercise, where your metabolic health is concerned. And according to a new paper published in [...]
It’s no secret that I’m an avid proponent of exercise. And I realize I might sound like a broken record when I bring it up time and again. But I talk about it on a regular basis here in [...]
I’ve warned you before that midnight snacking will sabotage your efforts to drop weight, no matter what kind of food you decide to eat. But consider today’s conversation to be a crucial corollary [...]
I’ve spent a lot of time debunking the old “calories in, calories out” myth. Because despite what decades of dusty advice maintains, the quality of your diet will always matter more to your [...]
It’s hard not to laugh at the medical establishment’s continual shock over the life-changing power of healthy behaviors. Because let’s be real. We’ve known that regular physical activity, a [...]
I’m always telling you that you don’t need to restrict calories to lose weight and manage your metabolic health. But when it comes to fasting, that’s another story entirely. We’ve discussed here [...]
I have to admit, I chuckled when I came across a little article urging doctors to “screen for five markers to ward off heart disease, diabetes.” Why? It’s 2019, for Pete’s sake! And if docs [...]
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