They’re at it again…another group of food chemists have been tinkering with nature — to make an already healthy food supposedly “healthier.” And what’s worse, it’s all in the interest of [...]
They’re at it again…another group of food chemists have been tinkering with nature — to make an already healthy food supposedly “healthier.” And what’s worse, it’s all in the interest of [...]
Question: Help me solve the mystery of soy. I hear that it gives males estrogen and is generally not good for health—then I hear that it is the best thing since sliced bread. Can you help me make [...]
There’s a new review making the rounds. And its conclusion, in a nutshell, is that no single dietary strategy is healthier than another. The author calls the very idea “utter nonsense.” My first [...]
…and the only prescription that will put your insomnia to bed for good It’s 3 o’clock in the morning. And yet, you’re still awake, pacing the house. Again. And it only gets worse from there. When [...]
The Farm Bill, Big Agribusiness, Big Soda, Big Pharma. I’ve given lots of lip service to all of these corrupt influences in the past. With forces like these running the show, bad health is [...]
I don’t care how rich, thin, or wrinkle-free you are. If your brain’s not firing on all four cylinders, none of it counts for squat. My patients obviously know this. They ask me about it on a [...]
Scrambled logic One morning recently, I sat down for an interview with a local radio show. They wanted me to talk about some of the food myths that are still so pervasive in our [...]