Occasionally, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gets something (half) right… Case in point: They recently issued voluntary short-term sodium reduction targets to chain restaurants and [...]
Occasionally, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gets something (half) right… Case in point: They recently issued voluntary short-term sodium reduction targets to chain restaurants and [...]
The willful ignorance of the conventional medical world really irks me. And how little they know about nutrition is just the icing on the cake. In fact, I’m going to rephrase that. Because what [...]
Consider this recent discovery a late Christmas present from me to you: As it turns out, salt isn’t so bad for your heart after all. I know, I know… I’ve been telling you that for years now. But [...]
Whether you’ve been with me for a while or if you’ve just joined me, you probably know that I’m passionate about spreading one message. Okay, I’m passionate about spreading more than just one [...]
Like I said the other day, the latest crusade against salt is a sticky wicket if there ever was one. Mainly because the FDA and other so-called “experts” are once again sure they’re [...]
I like to think that people are finally getting the message that sugar kills. (Whether they choose to do something with that information is another story.) So maybe it’s time to prepare myself to [...]