February is American Heart Month. So, I want to address a very serious issue that you can’t afford to ignore—especially if you’re a woman. In fact, twice as many women die every year from [...]
February is American Heart Month. So, I want to address a very serious issue that you can’t afford to ignore—especially if you’re a woman. In fact, twice as many women die every year from [...]
I’m not a coffee drinker—but I know a lot of coffee lovers. And as I regularly report, you really don’t have to give up your morning cup of joe for better health. As for me, I love brewing up a [...]
I realize I harp on exercise all the time. But the fact is, study after study shows that consistent movement really is one of the single best ways to save your own life. And it doesn’t even [...]
If you caught yesterday’s Reality Health Check, then you know that a good night’s sleep can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. So now, allow me to issue a serious caveat [...]
Loss of bone mass might be the most notorious risk of menopause. But these age-related hormonal shifts pose a risk to a woman’s heart, too. And do you want to know what’s even riskier? Early [...]
Heart disease may be losing ground to cancer as America’s top killer. But don’t think for a second that this makes it any less lethal. By the numbers, heart disease is still the country’s leading [...]
I’ve never been one to buy into the cholesterol myth…ever. In fact, for most people, I don’t think cholesterol matters one bit. Which is why I’ve long been a vocal opponent against the stringent [...]
One of my best friends recently passed away from stroke complications. So when news recently broke that 1990s teen heartthrob Luke Perry died of the same condition at only 52 years old, I knew [...]
The American Heart Association (AHA) just issued its first statement on the harms of statins. And wouldn’t you know? They insist that the drugs’ benefits vastly outweigh their risks. Honestly, [...]
While we’re still on the subject of winter coughs, I’d like to take a moment to talk about one of the more serious risks involved with respiratory infections. In fact, it can be lethal. Pneumonia [...]