For whatever reason, mainstream medicine still bangs on the same old drums and acts like it’s somehow breaking news. But there’s one instance where this is sadly necessary—and that’s where diabetes prevention in concerned.
More specifically, where the diabetes-preventing benefits of a low-carb diet are concerned. Because somehow, the memo still hasn’t made its rounds. And it’s not advice you’re ever going to get from your average doctor.
But news flash: You should. And a recent study makes quick work of showing why.
Cut blood sugar meds and crashes in half
This latest randomized clinical trial investigated whether adding low-carb diet guidance into group medical visits might help patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes. And guess what?
Patients who got this good advice took fewer diabetes drugs, suffered fewer bouts of hypoglycemia, and lost more weight.
Over a total follow-up period of nearly a year, low-carb dieters lost roughly eight pounds. They also saw significant declines in use of diabetes medication compared to patients who didn’t receive any low-carb guidance—an equally admirable result, in my opinion.
Another impressive change: The low-carb dieters saw their hypoglycemic episodes fall by half. Which is just as critical as avoiding high blood sugar.
None of this is a surprise, of course. And for once, I wish they’d tell me about a strategy that I haven’t already been using in my practice with these same remarkable results for almost 30 years now. Just take a look at the success stories from my A-List Diet!
Whatever works—just do it
Okay, so there’s one approach here that I don’t personally use—group meetings, which the authors point out may help keep struggling patients on track.
I guess you might call this a “low-carb weight watchers” technique. And apparently, it’s become increasingly popular.
It’s a shame people struggle to do it on their own. But I understand that group meetings mean extra support, and potentially greater success because of it. And anything that lowers dietary backsliding is good with me.
Especially when you consider the fact that the typical response to poorly controlled diabetes is a snowball of prescription drugs… without so much as a word about weight management, much less this kind of intensive advice.
So I guess the main takeaway of this study is that the simplest approach to blood sugar management—teaching patients how to eat right and lose weight, while still feeling satiated after each meal—really can’t be beat.
I was lucky enough to learn at the beginning of my career just how transformative diet and nutritional management can be, thanks to my mentor Dr. Robert C. Atkins. And I have used his wisdom to help thousands of patients along the way.
So even though it’s taken far too long, I’m thrilled to see his message finally getting out to the masses. Now we just have to convince the powers-that-be to catch up.
P.S. If you’ve been a reader of mine for a while, then you’re already aware that metabolic syndrome—a condition characterized by abdominal obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol—is simple to prevent. That’s why I’ve outlined the specific advice I use to help my patients overcome this dangerous condition—without drugs—in my Metabolic Repair Protocol. To learn more about this innovative online learning tool, or to enroll today, simply click here.
“Low-Carb Advice in Group Visits Lowers Hypos, Meds in Diabetes.” Medscape Medical News, 11/05/2019. (