Could your microbiome point to a fibromyalgia cure?

I might start referring to the gut as “Captain Health”—because if there’s any part of your body that deserves a superhero name, it’s your microbiome.

And today, I’m not just talking about its role in weight loss, or in heart disease prevention, or even in cancer prevention. (Though your gut’s bacterial population plays a critical part in all of those things.)

In fact, research has recently uncovered yet another potential benefit for the books. This time, exploring links between microbiome changes and fibromyalgia.

The smoking gun lies in your gut

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that affects as much as four percent of the population. The symptoms include fatigue, sleep troubles, and brain fog—but widespread and persistent pain is probably its most notorious hallmark.

There’s also no cure—at least, not a conventional one. So needless to say, this study’s findings could prove to be a real breakthrough.

Researchers compared the stool, blood, saliva, and urine samples of 77 fibromyalgia sufferers with healthy controls. And they identified roughly 20 strains of bacteria of which fibromyalgia sufferers had significantly altered quantities.

This study accounted for everything—diet, medications, exercise levels, you name it. But those altered populations stood on their own. And, in fact, more pronounced bacterial absences directly correlated with subjects’ symptom severity.

The only question that remains is whether these microbiome changes cause fibromyalgia symptoms, or if they’re just markers of the disease. But either way, this was clearly no fluke.

Fibromyalgia is real—and so is the pain

This issue is important to me because at the start of my medical career, fibromyalgia wasn’t really seen as a real disease. It was mostly considered a psychosomatic condition affecting anxious women with too much time on their hands.

With nowhere else to turn, these patients came to me for help. And I ended up treating a lot of people with fibromyalgia, long before it had a diagnosis code. (Even today, conventional medicine can often take a good five years to properly identify it.)

But if you want to know what really drew me to this study, get this: The research team trained a machine to make the diagnosis, simply by analyzing the microbiome. And it was right on the money close to 90 percent of the time!

It goes without saying that this is more reliable guidance than you’ll get from a doctor who doubts the existence of this condition in the first place.

Fibromyalgia is one of the most formidable causes of chronic pain—not least of all because it affects the entire body. But of course, there’s more to the disease than just pain. So the next step is to see whether other chronic pain conditions share the same microbiome alterations.

Until then, there’s no reason to wait on tending to your microbiome. I’m as excited about this research as the next guy—but after 30 years in nutritional medicine, I can tell you that good gut health will help solve most health problems.

In other words, there’s no day like today to launch your own microbiome makeover. Which is why I devoted a two-part series of articles to doing exactly that in the March and April 2019 issues of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives.

Subscribers have access to those articles, and a whole lot more, in my archives. So if you haven’t already, sign up today—you’ll be glad you did.

P.S. If you or a loved one is suffering with a fibromyalgia diagnosis, there are many all-natural ways to relieve and eliminate the painful symptoms. In fact, I devoted an entire online protocol to exploring the dietary, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations to eliminate any type of acute or chronic pain. It’s called the Pain-Free Life Protocol. Click here to learn more about this innovative learning tool, or to enroll today.


“Gut bacteria associated with chronic pain for first time: People with fibromyalgia show variations in microbiome composition.” ScienceDaily. Science Daily, 06/20/2019. (