COVID, flu, and colds… oh my! (Get ready)

As I just mentioned last week, COVID is still here.

And it remains a dangerous health threat.

Not to mention, we’re gearing up for yet another cold and flu season—and we’re anticipating a rather dramatic year.

In fact, flu activity has nearly DOUBLED over the past few weeks alone.

No one wants to be the next victim to any of these upper respiratory viruses (URV).

So let’s take a closer look at the season’s threats… and how you can prime your immune system.

Be festive, stay safe

It’s really no wonder why this year’s cold and flu season may be a doozy. After all, COVID-19 has stolen the spotlight for two years (and counting).

As a result, people are anxious to get back to their normal routine… with a calendar full of festivities and holiday hangouts.

But it’s important to remember these URV are circulating.

According to the Jose Romero, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, we’re already “seeing the highest influenza hospitalization rates going back a decade.”

Plus, this may be the first year some children are exposed to these viruses.

But there are steps you can take to help ward them off…

Key steps to healthy living

As always, I suggest adopting all the basics of healthy living, like following a balanced diet and engaging in regular exercise.

These will always help prime your immune system against any virus (or chronic disease).

In addition, you must stay vigilant.

Wear a mask, stay socially distanced in crowded, public places, and wash your hands well and often with plain old soap and water.

You might also consider taking five key, all-star supplements immediately—to help support your immune system all fall and winter.

Learn more about those supplements and recommended dosages, along with why staying healthy “takes a village,” in the current issue of my monthly Logical Health Alternatives newsletter (“Five key supplements ward off the season’s NASTIEST viruses”).

Not yet a subscriber? Click here to become one.

Until next week,
Dr. Fred

P.S. This Monday, November 21st at 7:00 p.m. (Eastern time), I’ll be hosting an Emergency Alzheimer’s Summit. During this online event, I’ll talk about simple therapies to help prevent and fight Alzheimer’s. (They may even help bring once-though “hopeless” patients back to life!) Be sure to reserve your FREE spot by clicking here!

“Flu and other respiratory virus activity continues to ramp up across the US.” CNN, 11/4/2022. (