Yesterday we talked about common struggles after undergoing “the change of life,” like weight-gain and hormonal fluctuations.
Not to mention, I shined some light on how our healthcare system fails us. (Where are all the specialists?)
Today, let’s look a bit more closely into hormonal health…
Getting a grip
It’s no secret that many women like to blame menopause for their weight gain.
But let’s not forget that women gain about 1.5 pounds per year, on average, starting nearly a decade prior to menopause…
And up to 10 years after.
That’s at least 30 pounds. And YES, that’s incredibly tough to lose.
Plus, all that new, excess weight (particularly around the mid-section) increases risk of health conditions like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
But do you know what else increases that risk? Estrogen deficiency…
When hormones attack
Women, losing estrogen due to menopause leads to a redistribution of fat from the thighs, hips, and buttocks to the mid-section.
When you take this plus age-related muscle mass loss, you’ve got a biological metabolic disaster…
Unless handled properly.
That’s why, here again, it’s so important to take a holistic, full-body approach.
Of course, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to re-balancing hormones—and that includes increasing estrogen levels. Which is why you need to work with someone who knows what they are doing.
But before you get discouraged, know that you can get the support you need.
If your current physician doesn’t fit the bill, the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) is a great resource. You can use their search engine at to find a doctor near you.
For my patients, I start with diet, exercise, and nutritional supplements.
Then, when needed, we discuss and turn to hormone replacement therapy. (This article can serve as a very top-level breakdown for what you should look at and discuss with your treating physician.)
“Weight Loss in Later-Life Women: More Than Diet, Exercise.” Medscape, 03/19/2024. (