Reality Health Check Confirmation

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Thank you for your interest in Dr. Fred Pescatore’s free report Diabetes Gone Wrong: How Today’s Outdated Dogma Could Kill You.

All you need to do to download your free report is to click here.

Each day the Reality Health Check, written by Fred Pescatore, M.D., will keep you updated on what’s happening in the worlds of natural, alternative, and traditional medicine.

In addition to receiving the Reality Health Check each week, you’ll also get information and special offers on our best selling items, as well as money-saving sales and coupons. And when our newest products become available, you’ll be the first to know.

I hope you find your free report and your future editions of Dr. Fred Pescatore’s Reality Health Check eletter including future episodes of The Dr. Fred Show enlightening.

Best regards,

Karen M. Reddel
President, Logical Health Alternatives

P.S. We have a strict anti-spam policy and we will never sell your e-mail address. To ensure delivery of the Reality Health Check to your inbox, we encourage you to add our e-mail address to your address book. All e-mail sent by us will come from Dr. Fred at [email protected]. You can also easily remove yourself from our mailing list at any time by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every e-mail we send.