Diabetics: Could low-carb dieting replace your prescriptions?

I’ve often thought about writing a book titled something like, “Everything the Mainstream Medical Establishment Got Wrong About Health.”

It would compile everything I wish the mainstream would have asked me before they destroyed countless lives.

That’s especially true when it comes to managing Type 2 diabetes.

See, the key takeaway from a new study is that a low-carbohydrate diet could outperform drugs designed to “treat” diabetes.

You know—the very thing I’ve been saying for over 30 years!

Let’s take a look…

A remarkable lifestyle prescription

In a randomized controlled trial, researchers followed 57 middle-aged participants with
“mild” Type 2 diabetes. (Meaning they weren’t on insulin.)

Researchers analyzed changes in subject’s C-peptide levels—a marker of pancreatic beta cell function—after different “treatment” interventions.

(These cells produce and release insulin, which regulates your blood sugar levels. And diabetics have a weakened beta cell response.)

Participants discontinued their current diabetes medications one or two weeks before baseline testing. Then, they were assigned to either a low- or high-carb diet.

And get this…

After just 12 weeks, the low-carb group saw a twofold increase in acute C-peptide response compared to the high-carb group.

In fact, the overall maximal C-peptide response was 22 percent higher for those following a low-carb diet! All from a simple lifestyle prescription. (And keep in mind that restoring beta cell function is NOT achievable with standard Type 2 diabetes medication!)

Education is key

Naturally, before the ink was even dry on this publication, the critics surfaced.

They worry that most people won’t stick to a low-carb diet over time.

But that common refrain is outdated. Millions, including myself, have adopted a low-carb lifestyle and are happier and healthier for it.

Of course, if that’s the main hiccup, maybe we should make education a priority. Why don’t we realistically look at what people like to eat and teach them steps to re-balance their diet? And why not force food manufacturers to comply with standards of health?

I mean, I can think of countless ways to skin this cat. And in my view, the entire medical establishment should feel ashamed for not recommending such a sensible approach to managing, if not reversing, Type 2 diabetes!

But this won’t ever be a mainstream “prescription.” Why? Because if you manage to stick with a low-carb diet, it’s fair to assume you won’t need prescription medication any longer. And they can’t risk losing your life-long reliance on Big Pharma.

To dive deeper into the benefits of a low-carb diet, grab a copy of my very own, The A-List Diet.


“Low-carb diet may eliminate need for drugs in type 2 diabetes.” Medical News Today, 10/25/2024. (medicalnewstoday.com/articles/low-carb-diet-may-eliminate-need-for-drugs-in-type-2-diabetes)