Ditch this food to prevent hip fractures

One of the reasons I’m so vehement in my objections to sugar is that it promotes inflammation in the body. And inflammation is at the heart of just about every health problem there is. Diabetes, heart disease, allergies, digestive problems, respiratory diseases…Honestly, you’d be hard-pressed to find a single disease that doesn’t have a direct link to inflammation.

And according to some new research, you can add osteoporosis to that list as well.

According to a new study out of The Ohio State University, inflammatory diets do have a direct effect on bones. In fact, women in the study who had the least inflammatory diets lost less bone density during the follow-up period than women with the most inflammatory diets. Researchers also found that women with the least inflammatory diets had a lower risk of hip fracture.

Chalk this up as yet another reason to stick with anti-inflammatory diets. Focus on vegetables, protein, and healthy fats, and — most importantly — skip the sugar.

