Don’t let the sun go down on you

New research points to a super simple way to keep your heart health on track.

Get more vitamin D.

In a recently published population study, Danish researchers measured serum D levels of 10,170 men and women. They followed them for an average of 29 years.

Assessments linked the lowest vitamin D levels with a serious rise in cardiovascular risk. Specifically, a 40 percent increase in the risk of ischemic heart disease and a 64 percent increase in the risk of heart attack.

The sunshine vitamin’s influence on mortality was even more striking. Researchers found a 57 percent increase in risk of early death among subjects with the lowest levels of D. Not to mention a whopping 81 percent increase in risk of death from heart disease.

Further meta-analysis confirmed this deadly association. So if you needed one more reason to spend some extra time in the sun, now you’ve got it.

Of course, getting the D you need is especially challenging in these dark winter months. And you can’t expect a short walk outside in a heavy winter coat to cut it.

That’s why I recommend a daily D3 supplement–at least 2,000 IU per day–to all of my patients.

“Association Between Urinary Bisphenol A Concentration and Obesity Prevalence in Children and Adolescents,” JAMA 2012; 308(11): 1,113-1,121