Easy steps to SLASH colon cancer risk (literally)

Colon cancer is on the rise—and it’s striking earlier than ever.

In fact, screening is now recommended at the age of 45.

Of course, this deadly disease is very personal to me. Two of my uncles and my father all passed away from it.

So, in addition to regular screening, I’m always looking for ways to reduce my risk.

Now, according to a new study out of England, there are a few easy steps you can take to SLASH colon cancer risk (literally).

Let me explain.

Exercise prevents colon cancer?

Researchers from Newcastle and York St John universities recruited 16 men between the ages of 50-80 who had lifestyle risk factors for colon cancer.

Some of those factors included being obese, overweight, or not physically active.

The men rode an indoor bike for 30 minutes at a moderate pace. Both before and after their workout, a blood sample was taken.

Compared to the initial samples, researchers found that the blood samples collected after exercise:

  • showed an altered concentration of cancer-fighting proteins, such as Interleukin 6 (IL-6).
  • slowed the growth of cancer cells.

What’s more, it’s estimated that exercise reduces the risk of developing this deadly disease by a whopping 20 percent!

Exercise offers endless benefits

Of course, these findings aren’t surprising.

Exercise can help control your weight, improve your mental health, and slash your risk of various diseases.

That’s why I’m always telling you to get up, get moving… and keep moving!

I recommend 150 minutes of physical activity per week.

It doesn’t matter how you do it… all that matters is that you DO it. Whether it’s in the gym or the comfort of your own home.

Sign up for an in-person or virtual class. Look up videos on the internet. Walk to the mailbox and back. Take a stroll around your yard or neighborhood block. Climb up and down your stairs a few times. Do a little gardening as temperatures begin to rise.

The bottom line here is that regular physical activity can save your life—and it’s never too early or too late to start getting your exercise groove on. So, what are you waiting for?

Until next week,
Dr. Fred

P.S. Not sure what type of exercise to incorporate into your daily routine? No worries! In the March 2013 issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives (“Putting your workouts to work for you”),I break down basic types of exercise that you can try at any time. If you’re not already a subscriber, click here to become one!


“Exercise show to release protein reducing bowel cancer risk.” Science Daily, 04/07/2022. (sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/04/220407101013.htm)