Feed your kids well

Family values

I don’t know how many of you know this, but the first book that I ever wrote was called Feed Your Kids Well. So I take what and how we feed our kids very seriously.  And I was appalled this week to find out that virtually force-feeding kids potatoes every day isn’t the only way schools are contributing to the childhood obesity epidemic.

A few weeks ago, a NYC health department official discovered that many children are actually getting two breakfasts. One at home and one that is forced on them at school as part of the USDA’s “School Breakfast Program.”

I also just discovered that there are now school dinner programs. So how many kids are eating two dinners too?

Don’t get me wrong. I think these programs are justified when children have no access to food. But how often is that REALLY the case?

The biggest problem of all, though, is the content of these meals.

And one of my strongest beliefs is that the USDA must not be allowed to make these decisions for us–or our kids. After all, they’re the ones behind “Potatogate” and defining pizza as a vegetable.

When did we make feeding our children and controlling their nutrition someone else’s responsibility anyway?

When we live in a nation where half of all children are either overweight or obese, we are clearly doing something wrong. So why not do something right–and introduce the entire family to my New Hamptons Health Miracle.

I actually designed it specifically to eliminate the “separate meal” phenomenon that happens in so many families. Where the kids refuse to eat the same foods as the parents. Or the parents don’t want to subject the rest of the family to “diet” foods.

The New Hamptons Health Miracle has so many choices that I have yet to meet anyone who couldn’t find things for every member of their family.  It’s easy to build a foundation of go-to meals that everyone will enjoy. But don’t let that stop you from trying to broaden your kids’ horizons.

You may have to offer them something 25 times before they’ll try it. But don’t give up! Yes, it may be easier to give them the spaghetti-o’s that you know they’ll eat. But perseverance pays off. They–and you–will be healthier for it in the long run.