Yesterday, I shared new research showing that diabetes drugs may be able to slam the brakes on Alzheimer’s-related brain changes. But I also reminded you that there are plenty of drug-free ways to take on this dreaded diagnosis as well.
Today, I want to drive that point home with another study I recently came across. One that illustrates just how shockingly safe and simple the fight against cognitive decline can be…
Three key brain health biomarkers
This research focused on a handful of significant Alzheimer’s biomarkers: telomerase activity, telomere length, and blood levels of beta-amyloid 40.
Now, you may recall my previous discussions about telomeres, which are the strands of DNA that cap and protect your chromosomes. Think of them like the little plastic pieces on the ends of your shoelaces. They keep the laces from fraying. And telomeres help keep your DNA intact.
But they shorten with age and ongoing cell division, which leaves chromosomes vulnerable and contributes to disease — including neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. So it’s imperative to find ways to either lengthen or maintain your telomere length.
The role of beta-amyloid in Alzheimer’s development, on the other hand, isn’t quite as straightforward — despite the black-and-white attitude that a lot of researchers seem to have on the subject.
Take beta-amyloid 40, for example. This specific type of beta-amyloid is emerging as a critical biomarker for Alzheimer’s, based on its ratio to other forms of beta-amyloid in the blood. And, in fact, higher levels of it appear to be helpful in this case — not harmful.
Which is exactly what makes the results of this latest research so impressive…
Meditate your way to a better memory
Researchers randomly assigned a group of 60 older subjects with subjective cognitive decline to two short and simple daily activities. One group engaged in just 12 minutes of music listening every day, while the other group practiced Kirtan Kriya — a type of yoga meditation — for the same amount of time.
The scientists assessed the above-mentioned blood markers before the study, and then again after three months of the music listening and yoga meditation. They also assessed for clinical factors like memory, cognitive function, mood, sleep, stress levels, and quality of life.
After just 12 weeks, the meditation group had a particularly notable increase in levels of beta-amyloid 40 — and pronounced improvements in memory, cognitive function, mood, sleep, and quality of life to go along with it.
But there’s more. Telomerase — an enzyme that maintains telomeres — was more active in both groups. Plus, telomeres were longer because of it (and a sign of increased longevity). But the effect was especially noticeable among subjects who had less telomerase activity to start with, and who were particularly dedicated to their meditative practices.
The takeaway: In this case, at least, changes in certain Alzheimer’s biomarkers led to measurable improvements in cognitive health. And achieving that feat could be as simple as just 12 minutes of yoga meditation daily.
That’s at least a little more of a positive result than what you can expect from the small, sad crop of high-dollar Alzheimer’s drugs currently available. And like so many of the other strategies I’ve shared with you here, it won’t cost you a penny.
To learn more about protecting your memory, strengthening your focus, and building a bigger, brighter brain — without drugs — check out my Drug-Free Protocol for Reversing Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Click here to learn more about this online learning tool or to sign up today.