Fish oil steps in when statins fall short

Maybe you’ve noticed the recent flood of negative press about fish oil — and more specifically, whether or not it actually has any benefit… I certainly have.

Not because it’s anything new, of course. The powers-that-be have been working to discredit nutritional supplements for as long as I’ve been practicing medicine. And even products as innocuous as your daily multivitamin aren’t safe according to their smear campaigns…

But as you may recall, fish oil is a core recommendation of mine — always has been, always will be. That’s how important it is to your health. Which is why the deceptive reports really get my blood boiling.

It’s also why I insist on sharing studies like this one every chance I get…

Cutting cholesterol isn’t enough

The recent REDUCE-IT trial featured more than 8,000 patients from nearly a dozen countries — all at high heart risk with elevated triglyceride levels. Researchers randomly assigned them to take daily doses of 4 grams of pure EPA (an essential omega-3 fatty acid present naturally in fish oil) or a placebo for a follow-up period just shy of five years.

Needless to say, the EPA group came out on top. By the end of the study, they saw a 25 percent drop in the risk of a first heart event — either cardiovascular death, nonfatal heart attack or stroke, coronary bypass, or unstable angina requiring hospitalization.

Which brings me to the smartest part of this study — all of the subjects were also statin takers. Here’s why that matters: It shows that simply lowering levels of so-called “bad” LDL cholesterol isn’t enough in the fight against heart disease.

Just to give you some perspective, the 25 percent risk reduction with omega-3 supplementation rivals what you’ll get from atorvastatin — better known as Lipitor®.

That means it’s basically doubling your defense against heart disease. And delivering additional protection that drugs simply can’t provide.

Statins can’t catch “stowaway sugar”

This is also one of the few studies that have used elevated triglyceride levels as recruitment criteria. And that matters because, ultimately, your triglyceride levels have a lot more to tell you about the real state of your health than your cholesterol levels.

As I’ve told you many times before, triglycerides — or what I sometimes call “stowaway sugar” that builds up in your liver — are the most important risk factor for heart disease and pancreatitis.

And yet somehow, there isn’t research focused on the benefits of lowering them. Clearly, conventional medicine likes to ignore triglycerides… almost certainly because statin drugs don’t lower them.

But guess what does? That’s right — a low-sugar, low-carb eating plan like my A-List Diet. And, of course, high-dose EPA supplementation.

The truth is, most drugs can’t achieve this effect. So these results should change the practice of cardiology forever…

Whether or not that actually happens remains to be seen. But in the meantime, you may recall that I generally recommend 3 grams of EPA/DHA daily to most of my patients.

Why EPA and DHA? EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are most commonly found in omega-3 fish oil supplements, and they work hand in hand to regulate cholesterol levels.

So if you’re not already taking fish oil, I suggest you get some right away. Because with results like this, it’s only a matter of time before patents emerge, prescriptions are required, and prices skyrocket.

For tips on how to select the best fish oil, revisit my May 2012 Logical Health Alternatives article, “Fishing for the Best Source of Omega-3s.” Not yet a subscriber? Simply click here.

And to learn more about how you can fine a high-quality, effective fish oil supplement for heart and brain health, simply visit and search for the keywords “fish oil.”

P.S. For more natural ways you can protect yourself from heart disease, check out my brand-new Ultimate Heart-Protection Protocol. Click here to learn more or sign up today!
