Fruit juice—bad news no matter how you “fresh-squeeze” it

Not only does fruit juice cause obesity and diabetes, but according to new research it also causes high blood pressure (hypertension). It does stand to reason, considering most diabetics and obese people have high blood pressure. But obvious or not,  I’m thrilled to be able to rail against this hideous food once again.

I say that because all the powers that be still believe that there are benefits to consuming fruit juice. But sugar-filled fruit juice is bad news no matter how you “fresh-squeeze” it. And this new study proves it once again.

Writing in the journal Appetite, a team of Australian researchers looked at the link between fruit juice and blood pressure. And they found that frequent fruit juice consumption was associated with higher blood pressure. As you know, high blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease as well as cognitive impairment. So, in essence, fruit juice puts you on the fast track to these other killers as well.

What exactly makes juice so bad?

Well, despite manufacturers’ assertions that juice is a healthy way to consume fruit, the vast majority of fruit juices contain huge amounts of naturally occurring sugar—without the fiber you get when you eat  the whole fruit. In fact, a single glass of orange juice is roughly equivalent to about six oranges. So you get all the sugar of those six oranges without the fiber that slows down the absorption of the sugar.

Other studies have shown that excess sugar intake is associated with high blood pressure, but this is the first to show that same correlation with fruit juice consumption. I am so pleased that someone other than me finally put two and two together. How much more obvious does it have to get? Sugar is sugar whether it takes the form of orange juice or an ice cream sundae—and it wreaks havoc in your body regardless.

The bottom line? No matter what the ads or supposed health “experts” try to tell you, fruit juice is not a health food. Not even close.


“Habitual intake of fruit juice predicts central blood pressure.” Appetite 2015; 84: 68-72