Green tea has a positive effect on blood pressure, total cholesterol, and body fat

And speaking of small steps…

Head out for your 15-minute walk after dinner, then warm up afterwards with a nice, hot cup of green tea. You’ll boost your overall health even further…not to mention your fat-burning efforts.

A new study out of Scotland finds that green tea, which is packed with antioxidants called catechins, has a positive effect on blood pressure, total cholesterol, and body fat.

This study involved 12 men and women who drank 4 cups of green tea (specifically, organic Mao Jian Green Tea from the Zhejiang region of China) for 14 days. Their fasting total cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, body mass index, and body fat were measured at the start of the study, and again one week, and two weeks later.

Researchers found that blood pressure, total cholesterol, BMI, body weight, and body fat all went down significantly. In fact, body fat dropped by an impressive 2.36 percent.

And, even better, the researchers believe there’s evidence to suggest that just one cup could make a difference.

It’s certainly one of the easiest ways to improve your health–and help boost your weight loss efforts. And that’s one of the reasons why I included green tea extract in TrimLogic. If your bladder or stomach can’t handle all that green tea, TrimLogic is a great supplemental source.