Here’s the story those high-protein headlines didn’t tell…

Remember that study slamming high-protein diets I told you about on 3/13/2014? Well, there’s one more detail that those sensational headlines failed to report. The fact that results showed that higher animal protein intake was protective for people over the age of 65.

Now, I really hate to cherry pick sensible conclusions from otherwise worthless studies. So you know what? I won’t. And I don’t have to—because another study came to this same conclusion just last month.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published these results. And let’s just say they blow the old “red meat is bad for you” myth to smithereens.

This was a four-month-long randomized, controlled trial, featuring 100 women between the ages of 60 and 90. One group ate 160 grams of lean red meat six times per week. (That’s about 6 ounces per day, almost every day.) The other group served as a control, eating a serving of pasta or rice instead.

Both groups engaged in progressive resistance training twice per week. And both groups received 1,000 IUs of vitamin D3 daily.

Needless to say, the red meat group consumed more protein than the control group throughout the study. And wouldn’t you know?

Results showed a 10 percent increase in growth hormone levels—as well as greater gains in both leg and total body tissue mass among the red meat eaters. And an 18 percent advantage in muscle strength.

But maybe most importantly, these women also enjoyed a dramatic 16 percent reduction in interleukin-6—a major inflammation marker. And I doubt I need to remind you of the lifesaving benefits an improvement like this delivers—against heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and more.

Now… what was that about high protein diets being deadly again? I seem to have forgotten. And hopefully, you have too.


“Protein-enriched diet, with the use of lean red meat, combined with progressive resistance training enhances lean tissue mass and muscle strength and reduces circulating IL-6 concentrations in elderly women: a cluster randomized controlled trial.” Am J Clin Nutr. 2014 Jan 29.