Unfortunately, viruses aren’t the only potential threats we’re facing right now. In fact, chemicals might be an even bigger hazard, considering we’re surrounded by them everywhere we turn. We encounter them every single day, even in places you’d least expect—and yes, even in our own homes, where many of us are confined right now.
And since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is almost fully dismantled at this point, you can expect to encounter even more chemicals in your daily life. (As if we weren’t already drowning in them before.)
A carcinogen in the water?
New research shows that chemical byproducts in chlorine-treated drinking water could be the culprit behind as many as one in 20 cases of bladder cancer in the European Union (EU). (And in some countries, as many as one in five.)
The most common and concerning water disinfection byproducts are trihalomethanes (THMs)—which research already shows as having strong ties to bladder cancer. In fact, one meta-analysis showed that THM exposure might raise bladder cancer risk by more than 50 percent.
And if that’s not cause for alarm, I don’t know what is.
Currently, total THM concentrations (in the form of chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform) are the only disinfection byproducts that the EU regulates. And they allow concentrations up to 100 mcg/L.
But why do we consider ANY level of ANY poison to be acceptable here, folks?!
I could see if we were exposed to just one or two chemicals, maybe. But, on average, we have over 700 chemicals in our bodies at any given time, wreaking who knows what kind of havoc. And sadly, causing cancer is likely just the tip of the iceberg.
Demand change today
Even if THM is only responsible for five percent of the bladder cancer pie, that’s still a significant portion.
Especially when you consider the fact that a whopping 44 percent of those deaths could be prevented… simply by reducing THMs in the 13 countries with drinking water that tested especially high.
The bottom line is that reforming current water treatment practices could save lives. (Who wants to be drinking, cooking with, or even cleaning with these chemicals in any form, anyway?) But if the EU treats the matter like we do here in the U.S., I wouldn’t count on anything changing.
Because the people who lead these health agencies—the very people who are supposed to be watchful and mindful of our health—continue to say, and I quote: “there isn’t enough evidence that these chemicals can cause bladder cancer, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer only rate it as a possible link.”
A “possible link” isn’t good enough for you? Please tell me, what is enough evidence then? Because this is more than enough for me! How many people have to die before any action takes place?
This research may have come out of Europe, but we face the same kinds of threats at home here in the U.S. (The residents of Flint, Michigan can tell you all about that.)
So if you want my advice? Call your senator or congressman today and ask them what they’re doing to keep your community safe. Because unless we hold our elected officials accountable, those threats will almost certainly remain.
I also recommend filtering your water to keep out as many chemicals and other toxins as you can. Get the best filter you can afford, and consider it an investment in your health—and in your future.
P.S. There’s one environmental toxin, in particular, that I believe to be the worst of them all…and I tell you all about it in the March 2016 issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives (“The deadly toxin lurking in every town across America”). Subscribers have access to this and all of my past content in the archives. So if you haven’t already, consider signing up today!
“Chemicals in Tap Water Linked to Bladder Cancer.” Medscape Medical News, 01/15/2020. (medscape.com/viewarticle/923814)