How to slash cancer risk by 60 percent (amazing!)

Obesity is a driving cause of diabetes. And as we just discussed yesterday, the consequences of the diabesity crisis continue to escalate.  

Not only can it worsen the progression of Parkinson’s disease and heighten one’s risk of depression—but it can also increase cancer risk (as plenty of research reveals).  

The good news is, SLASHING that cancer risk could be as simple as reeling in your waistline and maintaining good blood sugar control.  

Let me explain…  

Controlled blood sugar is the key 

This latest study drew data from the Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) trial and the Swedish Cancer registry. It featured two groups of more than 300 people each.  

One group consisted of type 2 diabetics who had undergone weight loss surgery. The second group served as the control and consisted of obese and diabetic subjects who had not had weight loss surgery. 

And here’s what researchers found: Among the group who had the weight loss surgery, 17 percent developed cancer—compared to nearly 25 percent of the subjects who had not had weight loss surgery.  

Plus, over a 21-year follow-up period, cancer risk was 37 percent lower among the subjects who had the surgery. (Suggesting once again that maintaining a healthy weight is protective against cancer.) 

But here’s where things get interesting: The largest reduction in cancer risk emerged among patients who had achieved and maintained normal blood sugar levels over a decade.  

Ultimately, this group’s cancer risk dropped by a dramatic 60 percent! 

In other words—if you want to dodge a cancer diagnosis, losing weight is important… but controlling your blood sugar is essential. After all, sugar is cancer’s favorite food.  

Fight cancer the A-List way 

Sugar increases your body’s levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factors. Both can promote the growth and spread of cancer cells. That’s why high-carb diets are so dangerous for cancer patients—because malignant cells rely on a steady stream of sugar to thrive and grow quickly. 

But cancer cells can’t metabolize the fatty acids or ketones supplied by low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic diets. (Your body generates these compounds when both blood sugar and its emergency “stowaway sugar” stores are depleted, and it starts burning fat, not sugar, for energy.)  

So it’s no coincidence that this very same type of diet will keep your weight and your blood sugar in check, too.  

And even though the obese patients in this study lost weight with surgery, I believe the solution to lasting weight loss—and better cancer protection—is through diet. The good news? Following this type of diet is actually quite simple… and delicious.  

In fact, it’s chock-full of lean protein (from wild-caught fish and seafood, and grass-fed/-finished meat), fresh produce, nuts and macadamia nut oil, and even dark cacao 

Now, don’t wait until January 1st to get started on this resolution. Pick up a copy of my A-List Diet book and start on your road to good health today. (It includes step-by-step guidance and dozens of delicious, easy-to-follow recipes.) It’s the best gift you can give yourself or someone you love this year, and every year.  


“Glucose control is a key factor for reduced cancer risk in obesity and type 2 diabetes.” Science Daily, 12/06/2021. (