Just how dangerous it is to let yourself go?

You know I always encourage you to fight the good fight. To take control of your weight. To get your blood sugar in balance. When you achieve those goals, it’s like winning the lottery.

Your overall health improves. You feel more energetic. Your risk of serious health problems takes a nosedive. Life just becomes a whole lot better. And you certainly live a lot longer. Earlier this week, I told you about a couple of studies that prove it. And the research keeps pouring in.

Today I read even more evidence showing just how dangerous it is to let yourself go.

Some of the top researchers at the American Cancer Society and Harvard University examined data on 2,303 people. During the follow-up period, 851 of the patients died. 380 from colorectal cancer, 153 from heart disease, and the rest from other causes.

And obesity turned out to be a primary factor in these deaths. Even after researchers adjusted their data for other risk factors like family history and diet.

Obese patients had:

  • 30% higher risk of death from all causes
  • 35% higher risk of dying from colon cancer
  • 68% higher risk of dying from heart disease

And type-2 diabetes affects your risk even more. The researchers found that people with type-2 diabetes were:

  • 53% more likely to die from any disease
  • 29% more likely to die from colorectal cancer
  • Twice as likely to die from heart disease

Those statistics are far from pretty.

But as I told you on Monday, you CAN turn your health around. Without the avalanche of pill bottles most mainstream M.D.s will bury you under.

In fact, it’s easier-and more fun-than you’d ever imagine to get healthy. Shed those excess pounds. And balance your blood sugar for good. My New Hamptons Health Miracle takes care of it all. It’s just that simple.

So if you haven’t started yet, what are you waiting for? Get started today.