Keep calm… and try omega-3 fatty acids?

It’s amusing to me how everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon of nutritional supplementation.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it.

Still, the study I want to share today genuinely surprised me…

Do you remember the old ad campaign: Keep Calm and Carry On?

(Which, by the way, was originally used in 1939 by the British in preparation for WWII.)

Well, the new slogan might be… keep calm and try omega-3s.

Don’t blow a gasket

A recent study suggests that omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil—like DHA and EPA—might actually help curb aggression.

(I certainly wish they’d put them in the drinking water of NYC if that’s the case!)

Researchers built on earlier, smaller studies exploring how omega-3s influence aggression. They analyzed 29 randomized controlled trials that contained nearly 4,000 participants in total.

Across all trials, a 28 percent reduction in aggression was observed among participants supplementing with omega-3s.

And get this…

The reductions included both reactive and proactive aggression.

(Reactive aggression is in response to provocation, whereas proactive is a behavior that’s exhibited in advance.)

Safe, inexpensive protection

I guess this finding shouldn’t come as a surprise. I’ve recommended high doses of DHA for things like memory, focus, and concentration. So, combatting aggression is par for the course. Plus, other studies have linked omega-3s to preventing schizophrenia.

Not to mention—aggression and anti-social behavior is often thought to stem from a nutritional deficiency.

While the exact mechanism isn’t clear, researchers speculate omega-3s reduce brain inflammation to help tame aggression.

If you or someone you love struggles with aggression—or emotional control—I urge you to please consider this natural approach before turning to medication.

Remember, many pharmaceuticals can disrupt your brain chemistry (especially in younger people). So—nutritional supplementation is the way to go, in my view.

Plus, you’ll gain plenty of other health benefits from the omega-3s in fish oil, including protection against deadly heart attacks, cognitive decline, and MORE. (Read all about it in the July 2022 issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives. Click here now!)

One last thing: I joked about putting omega-3s in our drinking water. But what would happen if we tried dispersing omega-3 supplements to a prison population or those in hospitals and nursing homes? Food for thought.


“One Dietary Supplement Found to Reduce Aggression by Up to 28%.” ScienceAlert, 10/04/24. (