Today is Independence Day. So I’m assuming there are plenty of fireworks, cookouts, and other 4th of July festivities on the books for you.
But before we all kick off the holiday, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the “reason for the season,” as it were. And I can’t imagine a better way to do that than with the results of an incredibly affirming new study.
In fact, I’ve saved this study’s conclusion especially for this occasion. (And I want you to remember it the next time you find yourself fantasizing about a plate of strawberry shortcake.)
Self-discipline isn’t a jail sentence. It’s the key to your happiness–and a scientifically proven one, at that.
A team of researchers recently conducted a series of three studies, ranging roughly between 200 and 400 subjects, with average ages between 25 and 35 years old. These tests assessed for self-control traits, moods, desires, and life satisfaction, both current and past.
And the results might come as a surprise to some people. (But not to me.)
Ultimately, disciplined individuals aren’t the joyless sticklers that society tends to paint them as. In fact, they reported more good moods and fewer bad moods than their impulsive counterparts.
So… aside from the obvious, what’s the difference between these two types of people?
As it turns out, individuals with high self-control don’t simply abstain. Instead, they learn to set up their own lives in a way that all but guarantees success.
They actively avoid situations that present conflicting goals and force them to choose between immediate gratification and long-term happiness. And as a result, they’re spared the negative emotions that come with perceived deprivation.
In other words, self-disciplined people don’t just walk away from the dessert tray. They avoid walking up to it in the first place.
And wouldn’t you know? They’re happier because of it.
This really speaks to what I’m always telling you. My New Hamptons Health Miracle isn’t just about changing the food you eat. It’s about changing your life.
You’re not dieting. You’re starting a personal revolution.
Pain and disease are the real shackles here. And sadly, most Americans are all too happy to live in them.
But as foreign as it might feel at first, your steadfast commitment to healthier living is the very key that will break you out of this prison for good.
True, you’re trading in the temporary enjoyment of a sugar-binge. (Emphasis on the temporary.) But you’re gaining your whole life back in return.
And soon enough, you won’t even remember what you’re missing. Because in the end, you’re not missing anything.
You don’t need addictive crutches like sugar and flour to get pleasure and satisfaction out of your meals. And you don’t have to be hungry and miserable to get fit and stay fit for the rest of your life.
There’s that saying: “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.” But you know what? It’s not true at all.
Really, nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. And a strong, healthy body is the secret to true freedom. It lets you do what you want to do. And takes you where you want to go.
Can a cookie do that?
Don’t ever forget why you’re doing this. Your “diet” isn’t a punishment. It’s a new way of life.
And make no mistake–it is setting you free.
Yes, But Are They Happy? Effects of Trait Self-Control on Affective Well-Being and Life Satisfaction. J Pers. 2013 Jun 11.