Lower your glycemic index with THIS unsung carbohydrate

When it comes to nutritional science, I’m often annoyed by the amount of time and money that’s wasted on clinical studies.

How many times do we really need to perform the same kind of study? Especially when they tell us what we already know — and have known for decades…

I’m specifically talking about a new Canadian study where researchers observed how different carbohydrate choices affect postprandial blood glucose response — or post-meal blood sugar levels — in young, healthy adults.

These researchers could have saved themselves a whole lot of time if they just consulted the glycemic index, which has been around since 1981. But I digress…

A tale of three carbs

In this randomized crossover trial, published in The Journal of Nutrition, researchers looked at the glycemic response of different kinds of carbohydrates. Forty-eight healthy adults — with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 24.3 (which falls in the normal range), and a mean age of 27.7 years — were randomly assigned to consume one of the following:

  • 50 grams of white rice alone
  • 50 grams of instant potatoes alone
  • an equal combination of either rice or instant potatoes and lentils.

Fasting and postprandial blood samples were analyzed, and the relative glycemic response (RGR) was calculated, which revealed to researchers the exact changes in blood glucose after consuming a carbohydrate-containing food

Compared to 50 grams rice alone, participants who replaced 25 of those grams with lentils had a 20 percent reduction in RGR. And participants who replaced half of their potatoes with lentils saw a 35 percent reduction in RGR.

And guess what else was lowered? Fasting insulin concentrations (a measurement of insulin secretion in the blood during prolonged fasting) — which shocked the researchers. They concluded that alternative carb replacement is an effective approach for reducing postprandial blood glucose response. They said, “In the long term, [this] could reduce risk for both type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease,” as well as associated complications.

Color me unimpressed!

I’ve been practicing medicine for over two decades. And this science isn’t new. (In fact, I’ve recommended this approach many times before.) And yet, medical dogma has prevented people from actually getting better.

I’d even go so far to say that this “head in the sand” approach to medicine has actually caused more people to become — and stay — sick.

A finger on the “pulse” of nutrition

Lentils belong to a group of foods called legumes. More specifically, lentils are called pulses, which are the dried seeds of legumes. As I’ve described in my A-List Diet, legumes have benefits, but you must work them into diet with moderation. As with most healthy habits, it’s largely a matter of balance.

Legumes are rich in fiber and protein, as well as nutrients like B vitamins, iron, potassium and magnesium. And — you guessed it — they’re low on the glycemic index scale. They’re also very cheap.

However, they’re relatively high in carbohydrates. But because they’re complex carbohydrates, they take more time to digest. This keeps you full for longer, which is easier on your blood sugar.

This is exactly why researchers chose lentils over other pulses — because lentils display slower hydrolysis (which is a part of digestion in which a carbohydrate is broken down into sugar).

And while the study concludes that eating lentils can potentially reduce chronic disease associated with poor glucose management, the authors call for more research to be done.

My questions is, “Why?” This should be a standard medical recommendation by now. The science is there.

The bottom line is this: We don’t need more studies. We already know how lentils can benefit digestion. We’ve known for years. It’s time we stop studying and start helping. People are in dire need of the right nutritional information, which you can find right here in my daily e-letter, or in my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives. (Not a subscriber? Simply click here.)

Furthermore, I’ve developed an entire Metabolic Repair Protocol centered around blood sugar control and weight loss that includes a multitude of diet, supplement, lifestyle, exercise, and medical screening recommendations. This drug-free plan can prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Click here to learn more or sign up today.

P.S. I’ve also developed a weight loss innovation called The A-List Diet. This strategy makes it much easier to lose weight, improve your overall health, and prevent chronic disease. Click here to order your copy today!

